The post above requires some further explanation before people, understandably, misunderstand the reason why Hunter was expelled from the Clan.
Hunter was expelled because he asked to go on inactive status but could, or would not, commit (even months after being on inactive status) to saying when he would return to active status.
Strangely, he found the time to play on several servers, but he could not find the time to respond to any of my MSN messages or to communicate to either me or Term about his situation and when he might return.
Prior to leaving, he was promised that the sub-leadership position would remain open for him upon his return but I could not keep such an offer open indefinitely. I have a Clan to run and ultimately members have to make a commitment to WASP or leave.
I joined WASP2 in April and Hunter was AWOL from at least that time until he resurfaced in August. Upon his return, he was instrumental in reviving WASP, after all members had left for OSC and other clans.
He deserves public recognition and thanks for this. However, he left us again for 3 months with no idea of when or if he would return and this was unacceptable. Neither Term or I will permit WASP to be held hostage by 1 or more individuals. Hence, the reason for my actions.
: i add to folder hamachi solution , all directory content 7.2GB must have medium DVD Dual Layer 8.5GB Printable picture RGB color and box with paper. Edition non-steam JIVA's Quake3 https://drive.g...
: As far as I'm concerned, Quake generally needs a bigger skill set than other shooters. Newbies have little chance. That's why servers live where so many skills are not needed.
: Understanding why people like something and not something is today the art of marketing, statistics, trial and error, motivation and diligence + a few opportunities.
: I tried to make retro server maybe two or three years back. but how you said. nobody is intrested. It's boring to play only with bots.
: Lol I stopped my vanilla e+ server exactly because nobody ever came to play there
: The reason why I don't play is that the game itself changed in the last 15 years . My game style how I played doesn't work well with today's server configs. And nobody from todays players care to play old configs Would be nice to have one retro serve
: What do you think is the best mouse for playing Quake 3? are jealous, you chose negativity your disappointment does not concern me your envy will not bring you anything
: noob= chiter
: I loved playing with that mouse.
To answer your question I am too long removed from serious gaming to know which mouse is the best for playing Q3. From my experience the best ine is the one that suits YOU the best;). I found the ergonomics of mx518 great
: Maybe I'll try to get back to it from time to time allthough my favourite mouse from back in the day - logitech mx518 is dead:/.
Hello WASP Mates and E+ Community,
The post above requires some further explanation before people, understandably, misunderstand the reason why Hunter was expelled from the Clan.
Hunter was expelled because he asked to go on inactive status but could, or would not, commit (even months after being on inactive status) to saying when he would return to active status.
Strangely, he found the time to play on several servers, but he could not find the time to respond to any of my MSN messages or to communicate to either me or Term about his situation and when he might return.
Prior to leaving, he was promised that the sub-leadership position would remain open for him upon his return but I could not keep such an offer open indefinitely. I have a Clan to run and ultimately members have to make a commitment to WASP or leave.
I joined WASP2 in April and Hunter was AWOL from at least that time until he resurfaced in August. Upon his return, he was instrumental in reviving WASP, after all members had left for OSC and other clans.
He deserves public recognition and thanks for this. However, he left us again for 3 months with no idea of when or if he would return and this was unacceptable. Neither Term or I will permit WASP to be held hostage by 1 or more individuals. Hence, the reason for my actions.