|| KO Recruitment 2007 || - © KO archives
1. (Quake 3 = E+ , OSP , VQ3/CPMA) , (Quake 4 = Q4MAX)
2. Iam 20 years old. (Working as a fulltime logistics facility manager)
3. Clans played for Genx well Genx for a very short time because unfortunetly the clan died a few days after i joined...
Well after genx i joined (.WASP.) and after (.WASP.) i played for Lemon...
4. English not a problem
5. Why i want to play under the k0 tagg well thats because i think this clan has a great potential , and good communication between al members and the rest of the community.
Kind Regards.
Maickel V.d Vorst aKa Dementor
Hi all ko members,
1] gram jakies 4 miechy
2] mam 15 lat
3] ex clan csa,xp,fc,deva....
4] my english is not bad i think
5] czemu klan ko dlatego ze sa fajni ludzie umiejacy grac duze wyniki itp c tu mowic nie trzeba nic odejmowac ,zawsze aktywni mozna duzo z kims pograc z lepszymi to duzo daje, pomocni, oplacalny trening duzo daje. przemyslcie to mysle ze sie dogadamy.
Pozdr dla calego clanu KO.
1. e+ 2years (with little brake)
2. 15 (but soon 16)
3. DK, BBS
4. school knowledge, was a long time in GB
5. i left bbs because it is inactive (in general)
ko is a serious and a skilled clan. I am in general serious too, if i am
mmh, u have to decide i think you know me....
ko would be a good clan for me, i am very active too, i like to play
and i like to gater new experiences. Well, there is too much to say if you
are intrested (for a tryout) just talk with me.. (msn)
oh, i forgot i try to be polite^^ sometimes i am not (if others call me
names) i hope you can accept that this will be a thing of the past
Both, see you on trainings.