KO vs C4 3:0 KO win 20.04.2006
KO vs C4 3:0 KO win 20.04.06 TDM 5v5 - Timelimit 15 min
1. q3dm11 ( C4 choice ) 450:220 for KO
2. q3dm8 ( ko choice ) 426:238 for KO
3. q3dm6 ( both choice ) 441:221 for KO
Gametype: TDM
Players: 5 vs. 5
Timelimit: 15min
FriendlyFire: enabled
Punkbuster: enabled
Pure Server: enabled
Nice game and thx for it.
FriendlyFire: enabled??
This is standard?
ggs...thanks KO...
gg and yes ... wtf friendlyfire ?

FriendlyFire: enabled??
This standard?
it was common standard on TDM league
couse if 5 player defend some location and thier pick map on witch defense point has 2 enters they just spam to that enters with bfg+rl
so this idea is baisycly to block spaming to spawnpoints or enters
gg c4
gg's all!!! cu next time :twisted:
nice game
gg thx for games
First cw...well done C4
It looks like it worked alright. There is quite a difference between points and frags in the lists
thanks for game