kTm 2:1 DEVA/26.08.2006/RANKED
gametype: tdm and freeze
maps: dm17 and dm11 tdm, dm6 freeze
players: 5vs5
server: hk
tnx for games deva
god game
Nice KTM
GG DEVA thx for game
Maybe next time...
heh in dm17 we have to many problems and we can't win in this one but gg.
and I must wurmup in tdm I forget what I must play tdm , looonng time don't play that gametype
Gg !
u saved us marcus gg ktm ...

and I must wurmup in tdm I forget what I must play tdm , looonng time don't play that gametype
Its bad to play still only freezetag. In past i played different mods and diferent gametypes. But last 8 months i playing mainly on 2!S FR and its bad. Other gametypes are important too. 1on1 it good to movement style, ffa and tdm are good to perception and aim.
My situation is more complicated, cause iam exCS player so my gaming style is not clear e+ and if iam spectating some good players, i can quiet envy. But maybe iam still not so bad in CS . Before few days i played match 1on1 against my friend and i won 23:5 (dust map)
gg !
u had many players so one can paly for bazz. your problem not mine