Ktm 3:0 HB/27.05.2006/RANKED
27. May 2006 - 19:05
Ktm vs HB 3:0
Rena thx for help:)
27. May 2006 - 19:06
Ktm 3:0 HB/27.05.2006/RANKED
Very GG thanks for the matches
27. May 2006 - 19:11
Ktm 3:0 HB/27.05.2006/RANKED
major pwnage guys gg our first cw we will get bette rhope for rematch maybe on serer with a ping advanateg to us and no lag spikes u guys wock !!!!! gl on yur net cw i fear the people u play r in for a rude awakening
27. May 2006 - 19:18
Ktm 3:0 HB/27.05.2006/RANKED
gg hb/ktm
27. May 2006 - 19:22
Ktm 3:0 HB/27.05.2006/RANKED
whso gunn aput up screens if no KTM do i will
i think u guys RULE!!!!!!!
27. May 2006 - 19:30
Ktm 3:0 HB/27.05.2006/RANKED
hm usualy first post should contain screens
cmon post them up
27. May 2006 - 19:42
Ktm 3:0 HB/27.05.2006/RANKED
gg ktm
27. May 2006 - 19:54
Ktm 3:0 HB/27.05.2006/RANKED
GG HB and GG kTm
we lose
27. May 2006 - 20:21
Ktm 3:0 HB/27.05.2006/RANKED
gg HB gg kTm
27. May 2006 - 21:24
Ktm 3:0 HB/27.05.2006/RANKED
it was nice to play with you.our first cw experience was bad which will make us work harder as a team.
27. May 2006 - 21:30
Ktm 3:0 HB/27.05.2006/RANKED
hihi, gg ktm&hb