L1 :: *SWE* 2:0 -C4-/12.10.2006/RANKED
*SWE* vs -C4-
q3dm11 [ SWE 257:159 C4 ]
q3dm17 [ SWE 471:322 C4 ]
GG! Nice play both teams!
Swe with hard and torzelan @ dm17 cant be fun :[

GG! Nice play both teams!
Swe with hard and torzelan @ dm17 cant be fun :[
Haha, depends for who
Generaly I liked the game most of the time it was realy enjoyable ;D
Not counting the issue we had to discuss betwen first and second map...
Also id like to add a lil hint to all league contestants.. please dont be late for wars..
eff table and demos attached! ENJOY!
[code:1] Map: q3dm17
Time: Match complete
Name : Kll Dth Sui Time FPH Eff Score DG DR
*TORZELAN.SWE* : 160 94 3 15:21 625 62 157 138926 83653
*HARD.SWE* : 167 83 1 15:21 652 66 156 145141 73009
*VOBB.SWE* : 102 88 3 15:21 398 53 97 89642 76817
-C4-REAPER : 98 122 0 15:21 383 44 90 84304 106403
-C4-NIKOTIN : 87 131 3 15:21 340 40 80 78416 113080
-C4-SADN3SS : 84 121 2 15:21 328 40 78 73138 106322
-C4-OBELISK : 74 126 0 15:21 289 36 74 65715 112491
*SHORT.SWE* : 71 78 6 15:21 277 48 61 64610 68117
Map: q3dm11
Time: Match complete
Name : Kll Dth Sui Time FPH Eff Score DG DR
*HARD.SWE* : 93 46 0 17:07 325 66 89 77760 38896
*TORZELAN.SWE* : 72 36 1 17:07 252 64 71 60189 32519
*VOBB.SWE* : 58 44 0 17:07 203 58 54 51341 35886
-C4-NIKOTIN : 51 83 0 17:07 178 39 51 45286 68607
-C4-REAPER : 48 69 0 17:07 168 40 44 39377 58850
*SHORT.SWE* : 43 43 0 17:07 150 51 43 38732 35956
-C4-IO! : 37 74 0 16:51 131 31 37 30566 65452
-C4-OBELISK : 32 40 0 13:12 145 44 24 26300 33188 [/code:1]
GG -C4- & *SWE*
GG but OMFG short is back to e+?
SWE as always hard [and with hard X) ]
and yeah, maybe there should be some restrictions on being late and also about the breaks between maps. playing cw of 2 maps for 80 mins is too long.
my propositions:
1. if a clan is late 15 mins - WO
2. breaks between maps should be no longer than 5 mins. we should respect our time as well as the referee's
3. number of players: the clan that doesn't choose a map can decide on number of players. i think it is fair solution for both sides
oh... em... gee.
Good games!

GG but OMFG short is back to e+?
I saw taker too a few days back. wtf, WoW drug fading away?
u r a monster Torzelan ...GG's both
Thanks to Faith for refereeing and all, making the right calls etc and giving me the command to turn chatbleep off (was seriously going crazy
) and thanks to C4 for a good war.
There was a minor dispute in the middle but I'd say it's smartest to not bring it here. Can definately see where boths sides were coming from in the matter, ultimately Faith made a decision and we all followed it, all well in quakerland.