L2 :: I<[] 2:0 DEVA/22.10.2006/RANKED
Killing Obsession |2 : 0| Devastation
Game for: TDM League - 2nd Round
1. q3dm17 ( deva choice ) - 490:256
2. q3dm7 ( ko choice ) - 228:166
Gametype: TDM
Players: 4 vs. 4
Timelimit: 15min
FriendlyFire: enabled
Punkbuster: enabled
Pure Server: enabled
Thx for game.
nice game gg deva and ko:)
Map: q3dm17
Time: Match complete
Name : Kll Dth Sui Time FPH Eff Score DG DR
---------------------- ----------------------------------------------
HQ * I<[] : 168 95 2 19:05 528 64 156 146409 79205
MARCUS * l<[] : 146 91 1 19:05 459 60 139 126311 81064
BAZZZ DEVVA : 128 122 2 19:05 402 51 120 113117 107837
CASH * I<[] : 110 100 3 19:05 345 53 105 100344 88524
OZZZY DEVVA : 106 142 4 19:05 333 43 100 93948 123045
FLEX * I<[] : 85 78 1 13:47 370 52 84 76358 68837
PANIIC DEVVA : 70 115 2 19:05 220 36 64 58475 102898
SKATEER DEVVA : 31 69 1 7:33 246 29 30 25531 60795
Map: q3dm7
Time: Match complete
Name : Kll Dth Sui Time FPH Eff Score DG DR
---------------------- ---------------------------------------------
MARCUS * l<[] : 70 41 0 17:56 234 60 68 55189 36517
HQ * I<[] : 64 53 0 18:01 213 55 58 52489 42217
FLEX * I<[] : 59 49 0 17:53 197 57 57 53057 39802
OZZZY DEVVA : 51 59 0 18:01 169 44 47 40861 50023
EXEQTOOR DEVVA : 49 67 0 18:00 163 43 45 43204 56269
TASS * I<[] : 45 36 0 17:33 153 56 45 38380 29644
BAZZZ DEVVA : 48 53 0 18:00 160 47 42 38385 42511
SKATEER DEVVA : 34 62 0 18:00 113 34 32 27231 51813[/code:1]
gg I< [ ]
I didnt think refereeing will be so hard!
gg guys

I didnt think refereeing will be so hard!
now u can imagine what ppl do in govermance in ur country ;>

now u can imagine what ppl do in govermance in ur country ;>
I dont have to imagine,Im living the nightmare every day
GG both