L7 :: (.WASP.) 2:0 RS/27.11.2006/RANKED

9 replies [Last post]
Joined: Mar 2005

(.WASP.) Won 2:0

1st Map q3dm6 (RS's choice) 357-174 for WASP
2nd Map q3dm11 (WASP's choice) 234-141 for WASP

Round 7
League (Rank) game.
Ref: Bert. (thx)


Gametype: TDM
Players: 4 vs 4
Fraglimit: 15 min.
FriendlyFire: enabled
Punkbuster: enabled
Pure Server: enabled

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I don't like to be a product of my environment, I like my environment to be a product of me.

Abkani's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
L7 :: (.WASP.) 2:0 RS/27.11.2006/RANKED

thx for the game RS! GG

Aus der Nacht durch das Blut in das Licht

Joined: Mar 2005
L7 :: (.WASP.) 2:0 RS/27.11.2006/RANKED

demo's and stats

DeN's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
L7 :: (.WASP.) 2:0 RS/27.11.2006/RANKED

Good Game teams Winking

And too bad i couldnt play to the end... again problems with ping Thinking

22.03.05 - 09.04.05 "GenX"

24.08.05 - 06.05.07 "Wasp"

06.05.07 - 30.10.08 "OSC"

30.10.08 - 18.02.10 Pause

13.08.10 - 23.02.2011 "unique*"

10.10.10 - 17.06.2011 "*BC*" (railonly)

17.07.11 - ... "[Mr.]"
The End

purgatory_ist's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
TR Turkey
L7 :: (.WASP.) 2:0 RS/27.11.2006/RANKED

gg wasp . wasp was good we were bad :twisted:

and special thnks bert :twisted:


Amigos's picture
Joined: May 2006
L7 :: (.WASP.) 2:0 RS/27.11.2006/RANKED

nice wasp......GG RS!

Im horny on Q3......SEX, ALCOHOL AND QUAKE IS THE ONLY I NEED....Big grin

Quake III Arena E+ MOD 4 LiFe

L7 :: (.WASP.) 2:0 RS/27.11.2006/RANKED

gg wasp's nice from abkani Happy

phenomen_one's picture
Joined: Oct 2005
L7 :: (.WASP.) 2:0 RS/27.11.2006/RANKED

gg both! my friend purgatory, why didnt u play? Big grin

Sexy Black's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
L7 :: (.WASP.) 2:0 RS/27.11.2006/RANKED

Nice game both teams Winking

Nice scores you got there Abk Winking Big grin

Mousepad: SteelSeries QcK Heavy
Mouse: Logitech G Pro Wireless
Headset: Steelseries arctis 7
Keyboard: Corsair K70 RGB MX Cherry Red

PANTY wrote:

Kono ookii na shokushu de kimi wo reepu-shite mo ii desu ka

Renatalis's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
L7 :: (.WASP.) 2:0 RS/27.11.2006/RANKED

Arrow :: Q3DM6 ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
(.WASP.ABKANI.) 106 39 0 17:53 355 71.9 67 102
(.WASP.MOUZER.) 90 47 0 17:53 301 66.2 43 88
(.WASP.NISPE.) 62 27 0 17:53 208 69.2 35 62
(.WASP.APACHE.) 60 50 0 17:53 201 52.9 10 56
RAKMACKA . RS* 46 63 0 17:53 154 45.3 -17 44
RO(=(=A . RS* 44 84 0 17:53 147 34.6 -40 44
M()()NS?ELL . RS* 52 98 0 17:53 174 34.8 -46 42
2002demon . RS* 30 90 0 17:53 100 25.6 -60 24

Arrow :: Q3DM11 ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
(.WASP.ABKANI.) 78 40 0 16:11 289 64.4 38 76
(.WASP.MOUZER.) 59 30 0 16:11 218 65.5 29 53
(.WASP.APACHE.) 55 41 0 16:11 203 57.5 14 53
(.WASP.NISPE.) 56 43 0 16:11 207 55.3 13 52
[`]+!K . RS* 46 66 0 14:52 185 43.2 -20 46
RO(=(=A . RS* 43 65 0 16:11 159 39.1 -22 43
2002demon . RS* 37 73 0 16:11 137 33.9 -36 31
RAKMACKA . RS* 26 42 1 16:11 96 40.8 -16 21

Arrow :: CW Sumary ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
(.WASP.ABKANI.) 184 79 0 34:04 324 68.6 105 178
(.WASP.MOUZER.) 149 77 0 34:04 262 65.9 72 141
(.WASP.NISPE.) 118 70 0 34:04 207 61.9 48 114
(.WASP.APACHE.) 115 91 0 34:04 202 55.1 24 109
RO(=(=A . RS* 87 149 0 34:04 153 36.7 -62 87
RAKMACKA . RS* 72 105 1 34:04 126 43.5 -33 65
2002demon . RS* 67 163 0 34:04 118 29.5 -96 55
[`]+!K . RS* 46 66 0 14:52 185 43.2 -20 46
M()()NS?ELL . RS* 52 98 0 17:53 174 34.8 -46 42


Arrow :: CW Summary per hour ::

:: Scorers ::

Name Frags Deaths Eff Kll-Dth Score
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
(.WASP.ABKANI. 324.1 139.1 68.6 184.9 313.5
(.WASP.MOUZER. 262.4 135.6 65.9 126.8 248.3
(.WASP.NISPE.) 207.8 123.3 61.9 84.5 200.8
(.WASP.APACHE. 202.5 160.3 55.1 42.3 192.0
[`]+!K . RS* 185.7 266.4 43.2 -80.7 185.7
RO(=(=A . RS* 153.2 262.4 36.7 -109.2 153.2
M()()NS?ELL . 174.5 328.8 34.8 -154.3 140.9
RAKMACKA . RS* 126.8 184.9 43.5 -58.1 114.5
2002demon . RS 118.0 287.1 29.5 -169.1 96.9


:: Kill - Death ::

Name Frags Deaths Score Eff Kll-Dth
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -------
(.WASP.ABKANI. 324.1 139.1 313.5 68.6 184.9
(.WASP.MOUZER. 262.4 135.6 248.3 65.9 126.8
(.WASP.NISPE.) 207.8 123.3 200.8 61.9 84.5
(.WASP.APACHE. 202.5 160.3 192.0 55.1 42.3
RAKMACKA . RS* 126.8 184.9 114.5 43.5 -58.1
[`]+!K . RS* 185.7 266.4 185.7 43.2 -80.7
RO(=(=A . RS* 153.2 262.4 153.2 36.7 -109.2
M()()NS?ELL . 174.5 328.8 140.9 34.8 -154.3
2002demon . RS 118.0 287.1 96.9 29.5 -169.1


:: Efficiency ::

Name Frags Deaths Score Kll-Dth Eff
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
(.WASP.ABKANI. 324.1 139.1 313.5 184.9 68.6
(.WASP.MOUZER. 262.4 135.6 248.3 126.8 65.9
(.WASP.NISPE.) 207.8 123.3 200.8 84.5 61.9
(.WASP.APACHE. 202.5 160.3 192.0 42.3 55.1
RAKMACKA . RS* 126.8 184.9 114.5 -58.1 43.5
[`]+!K . RS* 185.7 266.4 185.7 -80.7 43.2
RO(=(=A . RS* 153.2 262.4 153.2 -109.2 36.7
M()()NS?ELL . 174.5 328.8 140.9 -154.3 34.8
2002demon . RS 118.0 287.1 96.9 -169.1 29.5


:: Killers ::

Name Deaths Score Eff Kll-Dth Frags
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
(.WASP.ABKANI. 139.1 313.5 68.6 184.9 324.1
(.WASP.MOUZER. 135.6 248.3 65.9 126.8 262.4
(.WASP.NISPE.) 123.3 200.8 61.9 84.5 207.8
(.WASP.APACHE. 160.3 192.0 55.1 42.3 202.5
[`]+!K . RS* 266.4 185.7 43.2 -80.7 185.7
M()()NS?ELL . 328.8 140.9 34.8 -154.3 174.5
RO(=(=A . RS* 262.4 153.2 36.7 -109.2 153.2
RAKMACKA . RS* 184.9 114.5 43.5 -58.1 126.8
2002demon . RS 287.1 96.9 29.5 -169.1 118.0


- All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die...