L8 :: DS 2:0 RS/30.11.2006/RANKED

13 replies [Last post]
kicek's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

*DS* vs *RS* 2:0 for DS

1st map - q3dm11 ( RS choice ) [347:217]

2nd map - q3dm7 ( DS choice )[414:248]

Referee: Tehace ( thnx for ref'ing)


Time: 30.11.2006 @ 20:00 GMT

Matchtype: [E+]TDM LEAGUE 2006/07

Gametype: TDM 5v5

Timelimit: 15 minutes

Server: TDML-#6

Config: plus-dm.cfg

Friendly Fire: enabled

Punkbuster: enabled

Pure Server: enabled

thx for game Winking

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- Mouse: Logitech mx510 + miceskatez
- Mousepad: Icemat
- Headphones: Icemat Siberia

phenomen_one's picture
Joined: Oct 2005
L8 :: DS 2:0 RS/30.11.2006/RANKED

it was good but i couldnt play! Sad

Sexy Black's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
L8 :: DS 2:0 RS/30.11.2006/RANKED

Nice game DS Winking

Mousepad: SteelSeries QcK Heavy
Mouse: Logitech G Pro Wireless
Headset: Steelseries arctis 7
Keyboard: Corsair K70 RGB MX Cherry Red

PANTY wrote:

Kono ookii na shokushu de kimi wo reepu-shite mo ii desu ka

trivium's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
L8 :: DS 2:0 RS/30.11.2006/RANKED

nice 1 ds
gg rs

playing on
[mouse]: ie 3.0
[mousepad]: corepad eyepad xxl
[keyboard]: Steelseries 6gv2
[headphones]: SteelSeries Siberia v2
[monitor]: Samsung Syncmaster 1000s 21"

ghost wrote:

its the people whos piss me of not the game, im never ever played an game on wich all is perfect to mine preferences there are always things to wich im must get used and acept them as they are no mater i like them or not i will try to understand thier mechanism and use for mine adventage

eXtReMe's picture
Joined: Jul 2005
L8 :: DS 2:0 RS/30.11.2006/RANKED

Crow u couldn't play becouse u start league in HB , now u are in RS so u cant play in 3 matches , that is in rules Winking

btw GG all ; )

"Only God Can Judge Me"

TeHaCe's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
L8 :: DS 2:0 RS/30.11.2006/RANKED

gg xD

phenomen_one's picture
Joined: Oct 2005
L8 :: DS 2:0 RS/30.11.2006/RANKED
:DEVA*eXtReMe: wrote:

Crow u couldn't play becouse u start league in HB , now u are in RS so u cant play in 3 matches , that is in rules Winking

btw GG all ; )

ok man i know! thx!

purgatory_ist's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
TR Turkey
L8 :: DS 2:0 RS/30.11.2006/RANKED

when was we play . i am not remember . interesting Tongue Big grin

gg ds . really punisher was very good.cngrlts.


miles85's picture
Joined: Aug 2006
L8 :: DS 2:0 RS/30.11.2006/RANKED


who's ur daddy??!!!

Renatalis's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
L8 :: DS 2:0 RS/30.11.2006/RANKED

Arrow :: Q3DM11 ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
ANNCIENT * DSS 94 41 0 16:27 342 69.5 53 84
SCCORPION * DSS 88 74 0 16:27 320 50.4 14 82
KIICEK * DSS 80 50 0 16:27 291 62.4 30 80
MOORPHEUS * DSS 61 34 0 16:27 222 63.7 27 53
RO(=(=A . RS* 50 69 0 16:27 182 44.4 -19 50
SMMOKER * DSS 50 44 0 16:27 182 49.4 6 48
2002demon . RS* 50 82 0 16:27 182 38.1 -32 46
aVia . Rs 46 84 0 16:27 167 35.7 -38 44
PL_]RG+][()RY . RS 47 85 0 16:27 171 37.6 -38 39
RAKMACKA . RS* 49 52 1 16:27 178 50.1 -3 38

Arrow :: Q3DM7 ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
PUUNISHER * DSS 122 63 0 16:09 453 63.3 59 118
TUURAS * DSS 85 43 0 15:53 321 65.4 42 81
ANNCIENT * DSS 78 41 0 16:10 289 64.4 37 74
SCCORPION * DSS 78 77 0 16:08 290 48.7 1 74
SMMOKER * DSS 69 44 0 16:10 256 59.9 25 67
aVia . Rs 63 100 0 16:08 234 39.2 -37 61
RO(=(=A . RS* 62 76 0 15:47 235 47.1 -14 56
RAKMACKA . RS* 55 78 0 16:07 204 44.1 -23 51
PL_]RG+][()RY . RS 48 89 0 16:00 180 36.2 -41 44
2002demon . RS* 42 91 0 16:01 157 32.7 -49 36

Arrow :: CW Sumary ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
ANNCIENT * DSS 172 82 0 32:37 316 67.2 90 158
SCCORPION * DSS 166 151 0 32:35 305 49.6 15 156
PUUNISHER * DSS 122 63 0 16:09 453 63.3 59 118
SMMOKER * DSS 119 88 0 32:37 218 55.1 31 115
RO(=(=A . RS* 112 145 0 32:14 208 45.8 -33 106
aVia . Rs 109 184 0 32:35 200 37.6 -75 105
RAKMACKA . RS* 104 130 1 32:34 191 46.7 -26 89
PL_]RG+][()RY . RS 95 174 0 32:27 175 36.9 -79 83
2002demon . RS* 92 173 0 32:28 170 35.4 -81 82
TUURAS * DSS 85 43 0 15:53 321 65.4 42 81
KIICEK * DSS 80 50 0 16:27 291 62.4 30 80
MOORPHEUS * DSS 61 34 0 16:27 222 63.7 27 53


Arrow :: CW Summary per hour ::

:: Scorers ::

Name Frags Deaths Eff Kll-Dth Score
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
PUUNISHER * DS 453.3 234.1 63.3 219.2 438.4
TUURAS * DSS 321.1 162.4 65.4 158.7 306.0
KIICEK * DSS 291.8 182.4 62.4 109.4 291.8
ANNCIENT * DSS 316.4 150.8 67.2 165.6 290.6
SCCORPION * DS 305.7 278.1 49.6 27.6 287.3
SMMOKER * DSS 218.9 161.9 55.1 57.0 211.5
RO(=(=A . RS* 208.5 269.9 45.8 -61.4 197.3
aVia . Rs 200.7 338.8 37.6 -138.1 193.4
MOORPHEUS * DS 222.5 124.0 63.7 98.5 193.3
RAKMACKA . RS* 191.6 239.5 46.7 -47.9 164.0
PL_]RG+][()RY 175.7 321.7 36.9 -146.1 153.5
2002demon . RS 170.0 319.7 35.4 -149.7 151.5


:: Kill - Death ::

Name Frags Deaths Score Eff Kll-Dth
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -------
PUUNISHER * DS 453.3 234.1 438.4 63.3 219.2
ANNCIENT * DSS 316.4 150.8 290.6 67.2 165.6
TUURAS * DSS 321.1 162.4 306.0 65.4 158.7
KIICEK * DSS 291.8 182.4 291.8 62.4 109.4
MOORPHEUS * DS 222.5 124.0 193.3 63.7 98.5
SMMOKER * DSS 218.9 161.9 211.5 55.1 57.0
SCCORPION * DS 305.7 278.1 287.3 49.6 27.6
RAKMACKA . RS* 191.6 239.5 164.0 46.7 -47.9
RO(=(=A . RS* 208.5 269.9 197.3 45.8 -61.4
aVia . Rs 200.7 338.8 193.4 37.6 -138.1
PL_]RG+][()RY 175.7 321.7 153.5 36.9 -146.1
2002demon . RS 170.0 319.7 151.5 35.4 -149.7


:: Efficiency ::

Name Frags Deaths Score Kll-Dth Eff
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
ANNCIENT * DSS 316.4 150.8 290.6 165.6 67.2
TUURAS * DSS 321.1 162.4 306.0 158.7 65.4
MOORPHEUS * DS 222.5 124.0 193.3 98.5 63.7
PUUNISHER * DS 453.3 234.1 438.4 219.2 63.3
KIICEK * DSS 291.8 182.4 291.8 109.4 62.4
SMMOKER * DSS 218.9 161.9 211.5 57.0 55.1
SCCORPION * DS 305.7 278.1 287.3 27.6 49.6
RAKMACKA . RS* 191.6 239.5 164.0 -47.9 46.7
RO(=(=A . RS* 208.5 269.9 197.3 -61.4 45.8
aVia . Rs 200.7 338.8 193.4 -138.1 37.6
PL_]RG+][()RY 175.7 321.7 153.5 -146.1 36.9
2002demon . RS 170.0 319.7 151.5 -149.7 35.4


:: Killers ::

Name Deaths Score Eff Kll-Dth Frags
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
PUUNISHER * DS 234.1 438.4 63.3 219.2 453.3
TUURAS * DSS 162.4 306.0 65.4 158.7 321.1
ANNCIENT * DSS 150.8 290.6 67.2 165.6 316.4
SCCORPION * DS 278.1 287.3 49.6 27.6 305.7
KIICEK * DSS 182.4 291.8 62.4 109.4 291.8
MOORPHEUS * DS 124.0 193.3 63.7 98.5 222.5
SMMOKER * DSS 161.9 211.5 55.1 57.0 218.9
RO(=(=A . RS* 269.9 197.3 45.8 -61.4 208.5
aVia . Rs 338.8 193.4 37.6 -138.1 200.7
RAKMACKA . RS* 239.5 164.0 46.7 -47.9 191.6
PL_]RG+][()RY 321.7 153.5 36.9 -146.1 175.7
2002demon . RS 319.7 151.5 35.4 -149.7 170.0


Arrow I replace your screens which are terible with statistics on them. Please next time post clean screenes.
Best regards

- All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die...

Iznogoud's picture
Joined: Mar 2004
L8 :: DS 2:0 RS/30.11.2006/RANKED

Good game Happy

Bättre pissa i stuprännan än stupa i pissrännan !