@ Lag whiners
i feel lonely out there when i play on a server.
i miss playing with everyone i know, its boring playing against stonned drunk etc. theres no motivation.
Really good point! I totally agree it feels lonely at times
Shame ratz deleted his answer
Fakenicking just so u can "relax and focus on the game" is total BS,IMHO... for that u can simply disable chat.
myes orpheus,changed my mind
@ratz i did disabled chatt, and u know what hapened? ppl was talking bs under mine back and talking to me im rude cuz i dont answer o0
So why do u care what someone who doesnt know u thinks? Cause those who do know u (like me) know that pm's can be seen even with chat disabled,if they really need to talk to u that badly.
I personally rarely see u speak on server and I dont mind that,Im used to it,but I know u for a long time...i know that u either have chat disabled or just wanna play.If someone else who knows u wants to talk to u im sure they will find a way
..., and especially people like my favorite #1 E+ excuser (who I seriously can't play with anymore without turning chat off) needs to take a moment when EVERY LOST ROUND ends with a different excuse.
finally some award <:
Timelimit hit 1
: stupid brother
depends, i guess in that moment he was in my room asking me something stupid.
Timelimit hit 3
: i accidentally hit degauss on the monitor **
it was about, my screen started to get weird and i searched the degauss key on my monitor, i just found a reset key and pressed it, and screen became even more weird xD.
I much prefer people that disconnect in the middle of a game or just before the screen shots are taken just because they had shit score
greetz to bert.
my excuses normally really happen, lag means a short fps drop 'exactly' when enemy is going around a corner, pretty weird, sometimes happen ;o
hoops means that i missed an pretty easy shoot wich i should have done,or i simply did something very stupid.
ps: sry for my warping, but i cant stop my bro surfing, im normally pleasing him to not, most times he isnt listen anyways, but if my mum surfes, i cant do anything, she pays the con (yea, dls1000 for 15,90 euro ._. we should change asap)
actually i play pretty less quake cuz my bro just browses youtube and watches live bands etc.
most thing wich is pissing me off and lemem say 'noaim' etc is my unstable performance, sometimes im simply bored while playing (yea, greetz to mow), sometimes i simply dont hit shit.
im up for any questions
@ratz do :
cg_TeamChatTime 0
cl_noPrint 1
and u wont see nothing
the case i talk about mine friends get pisse polpe witch know me cuz im wasynt answeing to them
the case i talk about mine friends get pisse polpe witch know me cuz im wasynt answeing to them
U call them friends,yet they get pissed at u for not answering to them? Are u sure they are your friends? Funny,I never had that feeling and there was also quite a few times when u didnt answer in server,but I knew why.I came to msn,u were there,u answered normally....getting pissed at u for not answering is something i can only laugh at and cant understand,if someone is really your "friend".
wrote:I much prefer people that disconnect in the middle of a game or just before the screen shots are taken just because they had shit scoregreetz to bert.
you dont see me whining in servers.
although i have alooot of trouble hitting players that have even the slightest lag or packet loss.
e+ antilag system doesnt compensate on this so some basis of whining about it is sometimes correct.
you dont see me whining in servers.
This is true, it's always a pleasure playing with/against you, Bert.
To be clear, Bert was not the Dutch player i sent a greet out to, either.