Lemon 4:0 NG/25.11.2006/RANKED
NG is a new clan in e+ and lemon wants to play with all clans in e+ and NG accepted the offer. ( first clan that accepted offer out of 10 i asked )
and we hoped that they could learn from us a bit to....
Gametype: TDM & TAG
Players: 4 vs. 4
Fraglimit: 15@tag & 200@tdm
FriendlyFire: enabled
Punkbuster: enabled
Pure Server: enabled
GG NG,nice clan and nice ppl.No problems what so ever.Hope u can learn sometn from this cw and GL in your climbing up the e+ ladder ,]
Good Game! |NG|
Nice signature I wil lmake to my self one 20 cm x 15 cm, what do you think ?

Nice signature I wil lmake to my self one 20 cm x 15 cm, what do you think ?
Omg rena posted in white color :]
oh yea
btw gg

Nice signature I wil lmake to my self one 20 cm x 15 cm, what do you think ?Omg rena posted in white color :]
Wow, for the first time or what ?
Btw, GG both teams
dm17 nice
Very good initiative NG, to look up and fight the best instead of choosing opponents that you can win from.
3 points in Tag is actually a good effort IMO...
gl guys
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