LG accuracy...
3. August 2005 - 16:07
LG accuracy...
wow u mean u can mod weapons to make em stronger!
my lg lags like hell!!
all i need to do is use that command?
and it will be better??
is this legal for clans? :roll:
Post more commands if you have any to make weapon stronger..
3. August 2005 - 16:17
LG accuracy...
rofl, there is no command what makes LG stronger,
weapon power get's syncronised whit gameserver, and the wait-script for railgun, don't work with LG to rise the firerate.
3. August 2005 - 19:28
LG accuracy...
MMM ok
but can you make commands to make them better, quicker?
like no lag on lg and use on servers?
4. August 2005 - 8:43
LG accuracy...
W L C wrote:
in cfg
cg_truelightning "1"
lots easier aiming with lg :}
wwell this gives u lg beam thats not affected by lag :} it just follows ur crosshair exactly the way u would like it to go :}
4. August 2005 - 14:10
LG accuracy...
cmon ppl splash out the secrets!