Lime vs PHC 12/02/06 4:0 Lime win
wasnt really the best of games, seeing the pings and all but we tried to make it fair by playing in euro server then usa.
note to rokks: dont want anything against you man lets put it all behind us grudges suck
screens as follows
well pings sucked and more!
as long as the connection from the usa to europe isnt better u cant really do cws like this!
im happy that phc has an euro team

note to rokks: dont want anything against you man lets put it all behind us
grudges suck
It is now behind us, no worries (thats the way Budman would say it)....congrats on the win...
GG Lime
GG to all.
We need to have another one with me there hahah :twisted:
Were you on UK's servers ? they are best ones to play against american guys cauz more than 60 ping difference is really unfair
usa match