linux help
witam all! mam prosbe ogromna ,, masz linuxa i chce zroibc sobie quake3 i posadzic servery ale nie wiem jak , robie ze stronek ale mi nie dziala nadal prosze o pomoc pliki wszystko co jest potrzebne do instalacji quake3 do linux + servery.
i really dont have a clue what u're saying.. so can not offer you any help.
english/deutsch will do.
There's a howto about setting up Q3 server on linux. It's about Q3 + osp, but you shouldn't have problem with understanding how to install E+ in it.
There's a howto about setting up Q3 server on linux. It's about Q3 + osp, but you shouldn't have problem with understanding how to install E+ in it.
moj ziomus 1 post gratulacje
powinienes zrobic swoj topic odnosnie linuxa. to by pomoglo wlasciciela linuxa:D
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