linux server: games.log in hidden .q3a dir?

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Joined: Dec 2006


Can anybody tell me:(people with some linux knowledge)

Why does q3ded create a hidden directory under the user (or root) homedir called .q3a/ ?

On my server the directory contains 2 sub-dir's: the pb dir and the excessiveplus dir.

In this last one the games.log , bans.txt and userdb.dat files are stored.

This is totally unexplainable to me and in my config i specified that games.log should be in the users homedir.

This makes it more difficult to maintain.. just want all the files in $HOME/quake3/excessiveplus .

Any idea's or suggestions?


Hypernite / p9

AiKO . RS*
Joined: Nov 2005
Re: linux server: games.log in hidden .q3a dir?

hm Thats a good question Happy

I Know Thats this work in quake 4, you musst write in the start command line
+set fs_savepath "your/save/dir" +set fs_basepath "your/q3a/base"

But i dont know it if work.

We can talk in msn about this Happy

Asus M2N - SLI Deluxe,AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+,Radeon X1950 PRO 512 MB,1GB Hyper-X DDR2-800


mcbastard's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
Re: linux server: games.log in hidden .q3a dir?
AiKO . RS* wrote:

But i dont know it if work.

So perhaps u should try it before posting/spamming cause every post of yourself is more senseless then the other one, and even this one doesnt help, if u dont know 100% then why arent u just quiet ?, its rly no flame or offesive now, but you're just spamming instead of helping how u think, normally when
I got a solution for a problem i try if it works before i make my postcount one higher without knowing what i write.

«madbringer» «15:20»:

«Shady`mobile» «00:45»:
And both base and phil have too specialised music taste: digit has token white boy from middle america and felix eis cali loving dud named umet who despite thinking he is a crip or rasta lives in ISTANBUL

AiKO . RS*
Joined: Nov 2005
Re: linux server: games.log in hidden .q3a dir?
FUMO ' ANK! wrote:

AiKO . RS* wrote:
But i dont know it if work.

So perhaps u should try it before posting/spamming cause every post of yourself is more senseless then the other one, and even this one doesnt help, if u dont know 100% then why arent u just quiet ?, its rly no flame or offesive now, but you're just spamming instead of helping how u think, normally when
I got a solution for a problem i try if it works before i make my postcount one higher without knowing what i write.

pf hdf you just spaming not me, i try to help hypernite Happy
aber du checkst ja eh nix mehr...base der Alc fixer muha

Asus M2N - SLI Deluxe,AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+,Radeon X1950 PRO 512 MB,1GB Hyper-X DDR2-800


trivium's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
linux server: games.log in hidden .q3a dir?

geht das schon wieder los ?

playing on
[mouse]: ie 3.0
[mousepad]: corepad eyepad xxl
[keyboard]: Steelseries 6gv2
[headphones]: SteelSeries Siberia v2
[monitor]: Samsung Syncmaster 1000s 21"

ghost wrote:

its the people whos piss me of not the game, im never ever played an game on wich all is perfect to mine preferences there are always things to wich im must get used and acept them as they are no mater i like them or not i will try to understand thier mechanism and use for mine adventage

Site administrator
Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
linux server: games.log in hidden .q3a dir?
triv' wrote:

geht das schon wieder los ?

hat nie aufgehoert.
egal ich mag aiko net besonders.

hypernyte/p9 where is ur problem with this "hidden" folder

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

trivium's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
linux server: games.log in hidden .q3a dir?
rUnThEoN?! wrote:

triv' wrote:
geht das schon wieder los ?

hat nie aufgehoert.
egal ich mag aiko net besonders.

ja ich auch net . er mag mioch auch net (aiko) also beruht es aufgegenseitig keit Big grin

playing on
[mouse]: ie 3.0
[mousepad]: corepad eyepad xxl
[keyboard]: Steelseries 6gv2
[headphones]: SteelSeries Siberia v2
[monitor]: Samsung Syncmaster 1000s 21"

ghost wrote:

its the people whos piss me of not the game, im never ever played an game on wich all is perfect to mine preferences there are always things to wich im must get used and acept them as they are no mater i like them or not i will try to understand thier mechanism and use for mine adventage

mcbastard's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
linux server: games.log in hidden .q3a dir?

you guys will never get ... where was the flame/spam there ? Surprise ... it was just constructive review from my site, cause u didnt helped in any way but thx for calling me fixing junkie, u know i give alot on your words Big grin go -> learn english.

«madbringer» «15:20»:

«Shady`mobile» «00:45»:
And both base and phil have too specialised music taste: digit has token white boy from middle america and felix eis cali loving dud named umet who despite thinking he is a crip or rasta lives in ISTANBUL

Joined: Dec 2006
linux server: games.log in hidden .q3a dir?

ok ok guys, hold your horses ! Winking

Back to my issue:

quake creates a hidden dir, in the home dir of the user who is running
the q3ded process.

This dir, .q3a stores all the vital info, like bans/gamelogs/etc...

I never specified this path, and don't want those files in that map.

The fs_basepath var did not work, so any other *suggestions*.

People, no offence, but suggestions do not have to work necessarily, just need a starting point on "where to look" or "where to set" this variabel.

Cheers lads! Happy

core's picture
Joined: Apr 2005
linux server: games.log in hidden .q3a dir?

boa BASE halt einfach deine dumme kinderfresse du stubenwixxer was is dein problem???? brauchst aufmerksamkeit!!!! FUCKER komm ma ran....webhoster hahahahaahaha immernoch lustig kommst nur nich damit klar das aiko mehr plan hat als du spinner genau wie dein dummer kommentar auf der lazer site!!!! GIB EINFACH MA RUHE DU SPINNER....."hat nie aufgehört" loool? BASE der affe hält doch sein maul nich und meint er müße zu jedem sein senf dazugeben aber das rallt so wies aussieht eh keiner Sleepy eins noch mcbastart wieder einer deiner kreativen nicks wie "neophyte"......FUCKER

LOSLOS laßt eure kommentare los.... is mir braun Big grin

against this brainwashing box called Television. It´s nothing more than a drug who his numbing poeple and retarding them to find their own way.

[ETF userbar designed by [ETF]n8wandler]

AiKO . RS*
Joined: Nov 2005
linux server: games.log in hidden .q3a dir?

passt Big grin

Asus M2N - SLI Deluxe,AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+,Radeon X1950 PRO 512 MB,1GB Hyper-X DDR2-800
