* LOL Pad *
9. February 2008 - 21:30
* LOL Pad *
Quite interesting topic TBH
My qck+ is enough lately, especially when I made my sens faster.
But if you say about large pads please say exact names of them. I might be interested in buying one of them. BTW qck+ is 40x44 ccm if I remember right, now.
10. February 2008 - 12:48
* LOL Pad *
i dont know if playing q3 in such a low sens is good idea.. for me q3 is simply too fast. Maybe in cs i would use all space given by qck+ or 5L.
11. February 2008 - 9:19
* LOL Pad *
hehe i play without mousepad atm, cause mine is rly too small...
but such a big one isn't needed imo...