Looking for a clan
Hey. I started to feel lonely lately, so i've decided i'd give a shot at making it to a clan. I know that i should be contacting clan leaders for recruiting options et all, but there are so many clans i don't know where to start, so i just decided to make this little post . Point is, if any clan out there is looking to get a noob with will to improve under their wings, i'd be happy to give it a try.
I have lost a mad before
maybe I can get other one

Hey. I started to feel lonely lately, so i've decided i'd give a shot at making it to a clan. I know that i should be contacting clan leaders for recruiting options et all, but there are so many clans i don't know where to start, so i just decided to make this little post
. Point is, if any clan out there is looking to get a noob with will to improve under their wings, i'd be happy to give it a try.
:}} feel free to check it out :}
I'll check you out
Have fun whit shearching! : )
dont take him, he is noob and clanfreelancehopper. He go in clan then feel bad and then become freelancer and again Marry go round
Or just maybe he chose badly clans
: :roll: :scratch: Anyway MAD, I joke
try google too . Btw contact leaders of clans and ask them for a tryout . Cause maybe they didnt saw it (this thread)
MADBRINGER you can add me in msn if u are interested
add me to msn an ill check you out