Looking for Old Movies
Its my list e+ bro movies(what i have or i saw):
finish_q31thvideo.avi - created by Adler in 2004
KO clan fragmovie - By hq (i have 2 version, beta and final)
Trance's summer frag collection - by trance
Sp33d - by hq
E+_Fun_Movie - by drill
The Real Quake 3 - fragmovie by goof
Hyperactive - by cookie and goof
Gibblet - smogar
Torzelan_dm17 - by torzelan
ExcessiveOwnage - by cookie
realquake - by leet
hardswe-1v1 - by hard
harding - by hard
Broken - by broken
{LSF}QUANTRIX - by xarxes
Viking beta - by stikkan
BBS fighter - by bbs fighter (aka poland, this poland whos upload on genx site chilld porno. btw in his fagmovie was frag on bot whos called hq'ko - complite lol)
LGN aka legion (not this legion clan from italy)and other smaller:
4 short movies from drt - 2 by foksie one by nh
Giblet_E+_Test_Vid - by giblet grinder
MysteryMan Fraps Movie lol - by dementor
two unamed movies by ex lsf members mr stoned
absolut (yeye this cheater)from e5:
EN-Believe.avi - sacret
Akrossive 1 & 2 - akroits list from one post. later ill edit it and add links.
I would like to see that movies like most of newest players that recently joined e+ months ago.
But most of the links dont work anymore.. so would be nice if some of that movies will be uploaded again..
Specially the LSF QUANTRIX movie, and the short movies that ex lsfs like mr stoned created.
if flex or anyone still has it?
Those I have on my pc... will try to upload them soon:
SuddenDeathCup (by Foksie)
Infinity (by Abarth)
Hyperactive (by Cookie and Goof)
Killing Obsession II (by Drill)
Gibbed (by Smogar)
Explosive (by Sto)
Excessive Nature (by KillingBaby)
Fragged by KTR (by Musoraninn)
Triplex Vultus (by Abarth)
EN-Believe (by KillingBaby)
Akrossive2 (by Akro)
-X- (by Voodoochild)
Sliding Fraggers (by Dani)
Some movies hosted by mow (Right click + save as):
Killing the rulezZz
Fraged by Reaper
Sudden death cup
Trance frag compelition
Crat Movie session
Hard*Swe 1v1
thx for the update laktors ...peace...

Those I have on my pc... will try to upload them soonso?
u have c4 movie?
well..i was looking the old post from e+ to know more about the past of a comunity were i am now, and wanted to ask u guys and girls, if you still have or can upload somewere thos movies mentioned up by jordy.
I will be gladly appreciated
p.s. im sure mow, or others have them somewere in hdds, pls try to upload them thx a lot.
Damn, I had a hope to see old movies but real movies, like old westerns tittles or something

Damn, I had a hope to see old movies
here ,short and old
heh defcon....
someone else? )))) pls