hello! i got bored surfing the web one day, then 4 days later i ended up running a web site complete with chat & forum you may know that i run my own server now with all this in my possesion i have decided to start up my own clan (website name will be updated accordingly when clan is established) but i have 3 major problems
1: i forgot how to actually set up a clan (make it known and stufflike that)
2: so far i'm the only member so if you wanna join check out my site (contact info is there or post it in the forum)
3: we need a name so if you plan on joining i hope you can help with that (must have something to do with the letter X) :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
is also the name of a player in ger clan but should be ok, to set it up just announce it and start wearing a tag, maybe announce once you get a couple of members, you already have a site and nearly a server so your almost there, recruit some players announce then your good to go
you have msn or something?
1: (make it known and stufflike that)
hire some cheerleaders and make them wear pink thongs tagged "[XTxTX]" But they must be topless, (only nice racks accepted) and at least 75% of them should be blondes! Next step, take some pics and upload them here.
In advertising, nothing can beat a pair of nice b00bies! .
just register to the clan database. u just need to fill in some info. And play with your tag on servers, so ppl will see that u exist
get msn and start adding people, trust me its very handy;)
i'm not exactly sure but i may have a name!!! {xXx} Triple Strike, the clan of 3 strikes! let me know what you think!!! :twisted:
triple x was taken by a movie by ven diesel
Darkness is swallowing me... no wait i see light!!!