(Map) Forgotten Pantheon
Forgotten Pantheon (nrsxdm1)
- Medium Sized map with 12 spawns
- .aas Bot Support
- Arena File Included
- Egyptian Textures by Sock

This isn't my first map, but it's probably my first playable map in regards to layout and detail. There are some problems with the layout itself though, some areas separated by walls are too close for my liking, and the little area under the map feels a bit awkward and out of place. I also redid the lightning multiple times trying to find a nice balance between light and dark, hopefully I nailed it this time. Some rooms also feel a little small to me when weapon jumping, but I never had a problem with it.
If there are any problems with my map, please let me know so I can improve it. Any kind of feedback, negative or not, is welcomed since I intend to do more maps in the future.
Nice work man, keep this way
I like the Egypt theme and these colors looks pretty nice, also the hierolglifs make the map more ancient. Will test try for shure!
Greets from Beng
Map tested
it's a cool map, ive got some texture error on somes walls, but it's ok. May be a little more "destroyed" will be so nice, like an old temple or pyramide.
i notice too there are a lots of items armor/heal, can be nice for a 1vs1 map. Or about size may be a max 8 players on it.
Instade of that, that good work, textures are correctly placed, lights seems are ok, some good hidden place too. Nice work!
Nice map with nice layout. Their is alot of power ups and weapons spread around i would not put the rail ammo with the railgun and a red armor all in the same room however (get rid of ammo).
I have also attached a screenshot of your missing texture. Also the lighting is great however make sure to add bounce and them shadows cast behind them lamps will soften (or you can add very small lights). also the blue trim is lovely in the mega room. maybe some more murals?
(also don't worry about the lighting of the screenshot i saw what it looked like ingame it was nice (damn screenshots butchering lighting )
very nice azra!! is very good map for 1v1
Hi azrael
Yep, Meteor post missing textures that i was talking about.
needs more cow bell
doesnt everything in life joey..
Its okey. Downloaded the newly updated version and found all corridors, locations allright. No missing textures now and lights are okey too.
Thank you again for this work and hope this map won't be forgotten - only in the name of it
Could you post some screenshots of the missing textures? It probably has to do with the shaders, but I could be wrong. I also intended to make the map look a little more damaged, I just never got around to it, and I thought the missing bricks could be a bit repetitive on all parts of the map which is why I only made one side of the map like that. I also need to attempt to make the map a little bigger since I wanted this to be a team map.
Dangerously cheesy.