Maps Categorisation
13. February 2010 - 5:02
I have spent tonight working on this maps categorisation
And here is the fruit ordered by the number of players it can hold, being all camping in a safe place :
XS maps <= 4
- q3dm1
- q3tourney1
- q3tourney3
- q3dm2
- q3tourney5
- q3tourney6

- q3dm3
- q3dm4
- q3dm5
- q3dm17
- q3dm19
- q3tourney2
- q3tourney4

- q3dm6
- q3dm10
- q3dm16
- q3dm18

- 1++
- q3dm7
- 6++
- q3dm8
- q3dm9
- ermap3
- q3dm11
- q3dm13

- 7++
- overkill
- q3dm14
- poq3dm5
- cpm9

- cpm14
- q3dm15
- ospra3map1

- q3dm12
- thewell
that's the meaning :
Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co
Check this peacefull place