MASTERS :: LEMON 2:1 SWE/31.01.07
nice description rena for all maps good job :!:
points out what really was
greets larry
471:464 [09:49] LEM*RATZ was railed by *SAINT.SWE*.
471:465 [09:49] LEM*CRAT was railed by *TORZELAN.SWE*.
471:466 [09:49] LEM*BERT was railed by *SAINT.SWE*.
471:467 [09:49] LEM*CRAT was railed by *ZENUS.SWE*.
471:468 [09:49] LEM*RATZ was railed by *VOBB.SWE*.
472:468 [09:49] *TORZELAN.SWE* was blasted by LEM*BERT's BFG.
472:469 [09:49] LEM*BERT was railed by *ZENUS.SWE*.
472:470 [09:49] LEM*CRAT was railed by *HARD.SWE*.
472:471 [09:50] LEM*CRAT was railed by *SAINT.SWE*.
473:471 [09:50] *TORZELAN.SWE* was railed by LEM*RATZ.
474:471 [09:50] *HARD.SWE* was railed by LEM*RATZ.
474:470 [09:50] *ZENUS.SWE* was railed by *TORZELAN.SWE*.
475:470 [09:50] *TORZELAN.SWE* was railed by LEM*RATZ.
475:471 [09:50] LEM*CRAT was blasted by *HARD.SWE*'s BFG.
475:472 [09:50] LEM*LARRY was railed by *ZENUS.SWE*.
476:472 [09:50] *ZENUS.SWE* was railed by LEM*CRAT.
476:473 [09:50] LEM*CRAT was blasted by *ZENUS.SWE*'s BFG.
476:474 [09:50] LEM*LARRY was railed by *HARD.SWE*.
476:475 [09:50] LEM*RATZ was railed by *TORZELAN.SWE*.
476:476 [09:50] LEM*CRAT was railed by *HARD.SWE*.
477:476 [09:50] *TORZELAN.SWE* was railed by LEM*LINUS.
[09:50] Timelimit hit.
LINUS was THE MAN :!: Few seconds before end ! RATZ was crucial in last minuta with 3 kills for LEMON... One team kill also decide on SWE side that is one minus for team. Or if Torzelan respawn few seconds later....
:: CW Sumary ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
LEM*BERT 323 256 1 59:35 325 55.1 67 304
LEM*CRAT 307 339 0 59:34 309 48.3 -32 279
*HARD.SWE* 294 293 3 59:36 295 48.9 1 269
*TORZELAN.SWE* 292 275 6 59:35 294 50.6 17 262
*VOBB.SWE* 272 265 1 59:08 275 51.7 7 261
LEM*LINUS 255 272 1 59:00 259 47.6 -17 238
LEM*RATZ 241 236 5 59:34 242 51.4 5 224
*SAINT.SWE* 236 304 0 59:35 237 44.3 -68 220
LEM*LARRY 227 205 2 44:06 308 52.9 22 195
*ZENUS.SWE* 194 202 2 47:36 244 48.9 -8 184
There are summary and BERT was LEMON's lethal weapon... You can see a lot team kills How strong clash was. Anyway SWE is in process to build up shape as use to be.... Pretty equal with Lemons but soon they will be monsters
But take look at those efficiencies so small differences.
:: CW Summary per hour ::
:: Scorers ::
Name Frags Deaths Eff Kll-Dth Score
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
LEM*BERT 325.3 257.8 55.1 67.5 306.1
LEM*CRAT 309.2 341.5 48.3 -32.2 281.0
*HARD.SWE* 296.0 295.0 48.9 1.0 270.8
LEM*LARRY 308.8 278.9 52.9 29.9 265.3
*VOBB.SWE* 276.0 268.9 51.7 7.1 264.8
*TORZELAN.SWE* 294.0 276.9 50.6 17.1 263.8
LEM*LINUS 259.3 276.6 47.6 -17.3 242.0
*ZENUS.SWE* 244.5 254.6 48.9 -10.1 231.9
LEM*RATZ 242.8 237.7 51.4 5.0 225.6
*SAINT.SWE* 237.7 306.1 44.3 -68.5 221.5
:: Kill - Death ::
Name Frags Deaths Score Eff Kll-Dth
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -------
LEM*BERT 325.3 257.8 306.1 55.1 67.5
LEM*LARRY 308.8 278.9 265.3 52.9 29.9
*TORZELAN.SWE* 294.0 276.9 263.8 50.6 17.1
*VOBB.SWE* 276.0 268.9 264.8 51.7 7.1
LEM*RATZ 242.8 237.7 225.6 51.4 5.0
*HARD.SWE* 296.0 295.0 270.8 48.9 1.0
*ZENUS.SWE* 244.5 254.6 231.9 48.9 -10.1
LEM*LINUS 259.3 276.6 242.0 47.6 -17.3
LEM*CRAT 309.2 341.5 281.0 48.3 -32.2
*SAINT.SWE* 237.7 306.1 221.5 44.3 -68.5
:: Efficiency ::
Name Frags Deaths Score Kll-Dth Eff
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
LEM*BERT 325.3 257.8 306.1 67.5 55.1
LEM*LARRY 308.8 278.9 265.3 29.9 52.9
*VOBB.SWE* 276.0 268.9 264.8 7.1 51.7
LEM*RATZ 242.8 237.7 225.6 5.0 51.4
*TORZELAN.SWE* 294.0 276.9 263.8 17.1 50.6
*ZENUS.SWE* 244.5 254.6 231.9 -10.1 48.9
*HARD.SWE* 296.0 295.0 270.8 1.0 48.9
LEM*CRAT 309.2 341.5 281.0 -32.2 48.3
LEM*LINUS 259.3 276.6 242.0 -17.3 47.6
*SAINT.SWE* 237.7 306.1 221.5 -68.5 44.3
:: Killers ::
Name Deaths Score Eff Kll-Dth Frags
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
LEM*BERT 257.8 306.1 55.1 67.5 325.3
LEM*CRAT 341.5 281.0 48.3 -32.2 309.2
LEM*LARRY 278.9 265.3 52.9 29.9 308.8
*HARD.SWE* 295.0 270.8 48.9 1.0 296.0
*TORZELAN.SWE* 276.9 263.8 50.6 17.1 294.0
*VOBB.SWE* 268.9 264.8 51.7 7.1 276.0
LEM*LINUS 276.6 242.0 47.6 -17.3 259.3
*ZENUS.SWE* 254.6 231.9 48.9 -10.1 244.5
LEM*RATZ 237.7 225.6 51.4 5.0 242.8
*SAINT.SWE* 306.1 221.5 44.3 -68.5 237.7
From this statistics you can see overall performances individuals and teams.
GG BOTH but dm3 nice 477-476
LINUS was THE MAN :!: Few seconds before end ! RATZ was crucial in last minuta with 3 kills for LEMON... One team kill also decide on SWE side that is one minus for team. Or if Torzelan respawn few seconds later....
Why is it that you always pick on me spawning It's not like you can know how the others will frag. Lying dead for ten seconds and lose with one point will feel even worse, "why didn't I spawn and get a frag?" Do have to mention that I was doing really well last five minutes (after learning how to "play" [camp] the map) as opposed to the first ten, so it would have been even stupid to not spawn. But it would have worked of course in this case, and it's called luck. Can't blame anyone for being unlucky...
(Sorry if this all comes out the wrong way but it really feels shit to play a whole game actually good with positive ratios all maps against a clan like Lem, but still losing, and then my name is pointed out as one of the losing reasons, just great)
And what's up with "one teamkill", there's like 30-40 teamkills in the round and everyone does it... Doesn't matter the slightest if a teamkill is made first or last second, last second is honestly more excusable because of how tense and chaotic it is/can be then.
Holly Cow Why you take it personally ? I just speculate with facts, names is not matter Speculating with facts is prove how close that CW was. Chill mate I have nothing against you and as you say you play whole 3 maps with positive score and was best on DM17 in your clan
Best regards
Yeah I know, like I said sorry because it probably came out in the typical I-am-typing-under-heavy-influence-of-feelings manner.
We lost by one point and there's a post that IMO should have said that Lemon got the last frag and managed to stay away the last couple of seconds (fuck knows how, props for that), but no, I take it personally because for some reason there had to be mentioned a name and in a context that makes it look like "if he didn't spawn, things would have gone another way". I'm all for speculation and analyzing things back and forth but just try to be a bit careful... It's just a lot more fun and fair to read who got the last frag and won the game than who was the last frag and "lost" the game.
Bleh let's just leave it. Again thanks for flawless refereeing (honestly), nice stats and 95% enjoyable report
disclaimer: yes i would have reacted like this if it was anyone else in my team "pointed out", guess i'm just messed up in the head like that.
Rena wrote "Chill.."
I look old for a 21-year old
But I do look old when it's cold, I have to find a pic
!!! 21 years!? I almost don't even have a moustache either but so much frost in my face...
...are we offtopic? :'(