maybe interesting to hear...

19 replies [Last post]
Joined: Jan 2011
US United States

Hello excessiveplus audience, i have exclusive thing for some of you. As you all know, alienM aka Milena and me are in war,since she decided to mess with me, and i've said some things about her (my oppinion) and now i got some interesting chat logs by "doesn'tMatterWho" and i would like to share it with you. Happy Maybe the sender is messing with me, but i got nothing to loose by publishing.

in next log,you will see her talking about how she makes some calculations about the osrc games and some weird shit, check it out pls Big grin

16-5-2012 20:11:48 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n i have stats in my hand
16-5-2012 20:11:50 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n papers
16-5-2012 20:11:51 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n printed
16-5-2012 20:11:56 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n i have calculations
16-5-2012 20:11:57 Jeffer s0n Milena Knezevic lol ? Big grin
16-5-2012 20:12:02 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n i am serious lider xD
16-5-2012 20:12:07 Jeffer s0n Milena Knezevic haha Big grin
16-5-2012 20:12:11 Jeffer s0n Milena Knezevic a bit to serious Big grin
16-5-2012 20:12:14 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n i calculated all games in future
16-5-2012 20:12:19 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n like beat on football
16-5-2012 20:12:24 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n xD
16-5-2012 20:12:32 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n its for fan
16-5-2012 20:13:02 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n because i am preparing my speech on osrc2 thread
16-5-2012 20:13:07 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n when we win 3rd place xD
16-5-2012 20:13:15 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n we came to lose 70% of matches
16-5-2012 20:13:20 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n but we somehow didnt Worried
16-5-2012 20:13:25 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n before few days
16-5-2012 20:13:33 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n i first time looked table of cup
16-5-2012 20:13:37 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n and i saw us on 3rd place
16-5-2012 20:13:40 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n i was shocked o0
16-5-2012 20:13:43 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n then i printed that
16-5-2012 20:13:46 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n and calculated
16-5-2012 20:13:53 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n p.s. you dont have chance, dont even try it Tongue
16-5-2012 20:14:14 Jeffer s0n Milena Knezevic to win today ?
16-5-2012 20:14:42 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n nahhhhhhhhhh
16-5-2012 20:14:45 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n to win medal Tongue
16-5-2012 20:14:51 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n today you have chance Surprise
16-5-2012 20:14:56 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n and big ones
16-5-2012 20:14:59 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n probably 60%
16-5-2012 20:15:03 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n because is slow cfg
16-5-2012 20:15:25 Jeffer s0n Milena Knezevic we will see Happy

and she says its not all about winning, who are to trying to fool Milena? xd

16-5-2012 20:05:35 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n take my dolly
16-5-2012 20:05:42 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n and that yashi if you want
16-5-2012 20:05:45 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n he dont play at all
16-5-2012 20:05:50 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n he dont show up at all xD
16-5-2012 20:05:55 Jeffer s0n Milena Knezevic i dont want doll
16-5-2012 20:05:57 Jeffer s0n Milena Knezevic bah Big grin
16-5-2012 20:06:01 Jeffer s0n Milena Knezevic dont like her
16-5-2012 20:06:09 Jeffer s0n Milena Knezevic and yashi, another pole xD
16-5-2012 20:06:12 Jeffer s0n Milena Knezevic nothing more to add Big grin
16-5-2012 20:06:12 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n ye xD
16-5-2012 20:06:26 Jeffer s0n Milena Knezevic sry if it offends you because of friends
16-5-2012 20:06:31 Jeffer s0n Milena Knezevic but its how it is for me
16-5-2012 20:06:37 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n i know xD
16-5-2012 20:06:40 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n dont worry
16-5-2012 20:06:47
Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n its not all like i say
16-5-2012 20:06:53 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n is not all "happy family"
16-5-2012 20:06:56 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n some mates i love
16-5-2012 20:07:01 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n others should be players
6-5-2012 20:07:03 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n but they are not
16-5-2012 20:07:05 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n like yashi!
16-5-2012 20:07:17 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n and about doll ....
16-5-2012 20:07:20 Milena Knezevic Jeffer s0n prefer not to talk Tongue
16-5-2012 20:07:24 Jeffer s0n Milena Knezevic same Big grin

and here is few words about her "happy family" and how she thinks about it xDDD

i hope you all had fun, because i did.

jeffrey's picture
Joined: Aug 2006
NL Netherlands
Re: maybe interesting to hear...

How you got that ? xD

Joined: Jan 2011
US United States
Re: maybe interesting to hear...
eu.jeff wrote:

How you got that ? xD

if this is true logs, whoever gave me is not important , what is important is that this is HILARIOUS xd

spraw's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: maybe interesting to hear...

Yeah thats some messed up shit but it doesnt proove anything coz you didnt post screenshot but instead pasted clear text. That means that you could have write that stuff all by yourself. Confused

Joined: Jan 2011
US United States
Re: maybe interesting to hear...
*ZMB*INEED$* wrote:

Yeah thats some messed up shit but it doesnt proove anything coz you didnt post screenshot but instead pasted clear text. That means that you could have write that stuff all by yourself. Confused

ye it might be, i dunno, i just got this link and saw it from there
but lets be serious, whoever knows Milena here, will realize its true from the way she writes and talks about stuff Big grin

spraw's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: maybe interesting to hear...

Im not clicking on any link that has word "anal" in it.

Joined: Jan 2011
US United States
Re: maybe interesting to hear...
*ZMB*INEED$* wrote:

Im not clicking on any link that has word "anal" in it.

... but you have in your signature banner for PENIS TV lool

alienM's picture
Joined: Jun 2009
Re: maybe interesting to hear...

You won concurs for worst troller ever! xD
And with so huge competition! Surprise
Let's see when it was, ah yes, 16. may!
Kinda end of OSRC2 cup (which still you cry for losing)...
Of course that we play for win - who's not? CWs are for rank - FWs for fun! I told that many times to many people. Do you really think I was honest with Jeffer, LOL! Do you REALLY? I must say only one thing: in that time was true what I said about Yashi (same I though in that time for Dibe and Eba). Until then Yashi didn't played any CW for sneaky and was deeply inactive (Fps invited him to sneaky). But times changed and Yashi participated in next cup and showed that he is great and responsible mate, and in last months we are very friendly and always joking together on Beer Freezer. I started like him a lot. From other side I start "not like" Dibe (he is bad and lazy ass at last weeks xD - but we became nice friends, too). For Eba I still don't have feelings, I would lie if I say opposite, so he is for now only player and mate for me. Me, Zack, Fps and Drina are so long in sNeAkY that you can say only shits about us, we will laugh on that. Nice support in last time we got from Rixo and Ken, who are great new mates, and I am really happy that in last time Yashi and Ariel started be more active. Also, when I said "i don't want talk about Dolly" I wanted to hear what he will tell me about my sis (as my sis before 2 years told me one interesting story when some "girls" talked about us "very nicely"), but he just cutted conversation, awww. Of course I knew that "they will not take her", because they have "one very cute person" in clan which hate her. Meanwhile, I helped my sis to get pb fixed so she can rock with us again (and when she alone suggested me to quit I said NO WAY). Anyway is nice that you finally found some friend here, well decent one - just made for you and few else - who will make you company, to not feel alone in your useless troll's actions. Please, tell him to not cry for warn, you know very fine how to calm him, like you did with you after so many bans... Winking

spraw's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: maybe interesting to hear...

it ain't a link on speedyshare. Confused

Joinz's picture
Joined: Oct 2006
Re: maybe interesting to hear...

i dont think this log is very offensive or anything. its just milena taking the cup very seriously (i wondered about that too but its nothing to worry about imo, just a quirk).
the rest is milena and jeff trashtalking, nothing to be taken seriously, if u dont like either of them for who they are, u will find content to hate on in this log, if not, its just another meaningless conversation.

im not defending milena cuz shes my clanleader or sth, im just trying to view this log out of a neutral perspective.
nothing special, nothing new, nothing offending, do not want.

Joined: Jan 2011
US United States
Re: maybe interesting to hear...

So the log is true judging on you your desperate need to defend yourself. This logs aren't anything special or offending, but next time i hear you milena say "my family" i will shove this on your ugly nose, just because i can. xd