Me joining!
THIS TEXT IS VERY LONG. And I'm a very nice guy. So here's a deal: If you don't actually care about a guy leaving a clan and joining another, scroll down, type "gl!", post it, and save yourself a lot of time! : D
I decided to chop this up in two parts since they're so different and need to be separated - one "happy" and one "sad" part of which the latter unfortunately can't/shouldn't be discarded no matter how much I'd like to. It is also the one that needs most explaining so I'll start off with that in true "bad news first" spirit.
Leaving DNA
To change clan, of course, you need to leave the old one. I joined the ex+ community only a bit over 2 weeks ago now, so it is a very brief time of which only about half of it - 8 days(!) - I spent in the DNA clan.
"Why care man, it's just 8 days? Do you even know eachother?"
Well trust me, if nobody cared, I wouldn't write all this. It's been intense 8 days though, and a lot has happened. I got to play my first CW and eventually, after 3 clans not turning up to arranged wars, my second. That's just huge and something you remember for atleast as long as you play the games. It's mostly been a good atmosphere within the clan aswell.
So why leave? Alright, here goes. I guess this is pretty much where people can decide if they consider me a lame-ass clanhopper or respect my decision.
Firstly, was it rushed to join DNA? I don't know, I still can't answer that myself. I didn't know how good the players in it was, and I honestly wasn't much more sure of how I compared to others myself, so I was pretty much just happy to get into a team at all as a "nobody". A couple of things that kind of "turned out" was f.e that it was a lot of people in the clan. I mean for the first two wars - which both were noshows - we had 8 players ready and waiting to play. Depending on teamsizes in the war, benching between 3-5 people isn't really great - it's not even great when I get to play knowing that a couple of guys that's been in the clan longer than me have to sit around and wait just because - in the nicest terms I can possibly find and hope to not offend anyone - the team is not balanced.
I made clear even before our first war that I will try to be the best I can in this and play in the highest level I can reach. I'll ask anyone why they play, and most people could/should answer something in the likes of "for fun". It is absolutely the correct answer. So; I can only hope people respect that I do exactly the same. I play for fun. For me... winning is fun.
Now, did I leave DNA because "they suck" or because we lost a war? Of course not, there are good people in DNA and the two wars we actually did get going - we won! Quite convincingly with 4-0 against a respected clan this very night, I'd say. However, very unlike me, I have to look a bit ahead. Will DNA, if they continue, go far? Yep, no doubt at all from an insiders point of view. But in what pace? Again, I've only played this mod for a bit over two weeks and - excuse my arrogant observings, please! - while others are evolving too, I just don't feel we're walking alongside eachother. Not mentioning any names, some people are just not having the same ambition and I'm not one to tell them to step it up, or take their spot.
It is also kind of annoying waiting for ~15 minutes to have a game start - just because some people can't handle using the console to check their settings, or move when the leader tells them to spectate. That is, if the game starts at all - I am a bit sceptic what kind of clans we were trying to play and where they were dug up. No offence to the random few people of them that actually did show up, of course.
Finally, and a big reason... Our leader, and I guess not mentioning names doesn't help in that case, has a bit of a short-tempered and aggressive way to communicate with the community. All the stuff I was thankful for in the beginning is mostly thanks to him, and inside the clan he has very distinct vocabulary but still being a funny guy. However, it has not worked in the community and for me personally, it is not funny to be "new" around and already have people telling me on servers or messaging me here on this forum that they won't play me because I am in DNA, or even in arguments have people tell me that I am wrong or have less rights because, and I quote; "You behave as spoiled childs, enter in room and said: "I dont give a damn!"
Nobody likes getting slagged for something they didn't do, and it sucks being on the ass-end of a good ol' generalization. This goes for me too.
So basically, having been together for a whole whopping 8 days and making my CW debut isn't enough to make up for all the above things combined when made another offer which I saw very interesting and in line with my ambitions. So after speaking to Xeno, who after reading the full explanation took it a lot better than expected (thanks man) but of course wasn't too happy with it (trust me, I've been in the situation), I've now changed clan. I just hope, which is a risk when changing clans this rapidly, that I won't be seen (...from a bad angle called "looking down") as a lame clanhopper and that is why I am spending all this time on writing this down. In SoF2, I joined a team, stuck with it for over a year until the leader and several players went missing/inactive and the "second in command" wasn't too enthousiastic, created my own team (in the end of 2002!) - and worked from the bottom to the top and stayed there until recently when we decided to leave a dying game where we'd already achieved everything that could be achieved several times over. As the clan went on multigaming but in no games appealing to me, I ended up here. And I hope you understand that being labelled a random lame clanhopping bastard would hurt. I'm merely following my ambition and doing my best.
Which lead me to...
Joining Hyper!
From day one in this mod, I've been a huge q3dm17 fan. Equally long I've considered myself good at it and been told so aswell, in addition to what I have observed on my scoreboard - and the only one (to date, even) that has genuinely "owned" me at any point on this map (though I have gotten my revenge!) wore a "Hyper"-tag. This was a recurring tag as I became involved in the community, especially with TDM being my favourite CW gametype, and together with clans such as sWe and KO (among others) I've always looked up to them.
And kicked some assses in duels. No, not kissed, 100% definately not and it's not even funny. I was offered this spot I HOPE because people appreciated what they saw when spectating and/or on demos, and I will do my best to continue improving, doing my best and trying to live up to the skill of the Hyper clan. Maybe my previous gaming experience could even help a mutual evolving, who knows. It should be fun in either case, and I am counting on a whole lot of fragging.
So thanks to all the people who understand my departure of DNA, and who congratulate me on joining Hyper, aswell as the current members all greeting me (a whole bunch of posts in the welcome-thread in our private forum before I even got to read it), thanks!
Now I've done exactly what I warned people about when I first joined these forums; a "book (c) torzelan" - sorry... Anyway if something's unclear please just talk directly to me here, I don't want to make "unfriends" with anyone (impossible but why not try). I just want to play.
Cya on dm17... Uh, I mean the servers!
Heh, i've been wondering what the hell are these "books (c) torzelan" supposed to be. Now i know It's actually a good read, with good points...
Our leader, and I guess not mentioning names doesn't help in that case, has a bit of a short-tempered and aggressive way to communicate with the community.
Trust me man, you don't know the half of it.
Ah well, at least you are being honest. I like people who don't tangle themselves with twisted explanations, but give a few comprehensible and understandable ones. And i think HYPER will be a good home for both you and Smorgar.
So good luck, clanhoppa. (j/k)
Joining Hyper is a good move for you, Tor, and congrats. Also congrats to Dragon for snagging a great player who shows a lot of promise in E+.
GL & HF, hope to see you and read more books sooon.
dna did seem an odd choice,
thats a long post,
and good luck with joing hyper, evol would have been a better choice, though I’m biased. and from from your post, maybe hyper suits where your coming for more. Have fun and many fruitful dm17's
amongst others
Nice move :!:
Trust me, I read whole post. Nice observation
I am sure that HYPER is good pick for you :!: I know alot HYPER members (specialy DRAGON
) and I am pretty sure that you will fit in in verry well.
They are mostly TDM clan and they start to play freeze on this FSC.
No doubt that HYPER now is very strong TDM clan with you and SMORGAR. I wish you and SMORGAR good playing games and a lot fun in it :!:
Best regards
Very nice post
You seem like a pretty intelligent guy, and trust me, we've seen worse things from Xeno
I just want to wish you a good time in Hyper and may your ambitions be fulfilled
huh i need to buy dictionary:) gl tor in hyper:)
Yeah, good luck! Btw, do You have a lot of free time? I'm asking, because I would like to play with You, play on our favourite map - DM17!
dammit! double posts! lol... my bad
Hope this doesn't turn into one of those Torz books,
Torz dude, I think all is/will be well with you and your decision. You're a respectable dude, clean cut and straight foward. No comments from the peanut gallery here on my part.
You have totally amazed all of us I think... or at least me. I've been playing this game for 7 years (not that you can tell really), and you've already accomplished a whole heap.... (Now if that ain't beginners luck I don't know what is! j/k)
Its really cool to see someone who is just getting started (not reffering to skill, but time in mod) who is so passionate about it. It makes me want to play more and play harder.... So dude good job on securing what makes you happy, and thanks for playing in E+
Keep turning heads man.
Wondering what that's all about and getting more and more convinced even if I "don't know the half of it"...
Also thanks both and double thanks to Necro, for the help and nice chat...uh... Whatever time of the day it was other than "should be sleeping" for both