Meta.cfg 1.00 beta2

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xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005


This config's objective is to be used as common config for all confs.
It can also be used to make custom/hybrid configs based on what was already done on official confs.

Official confs are authentified by their names after Meta Config 1.00 beta :
- Meta Config 1.00 beta (e5)
- Meta Config 1.00 beta (plus)
- Meta Config 1.00 beta (rebounce)
And custom configs show the used Weapons :
- Meta Config 1.00 beta ( GA:2 MG:3 SG:-1 GL:1 RL:-1 LG:1 RG:-1 PG:2 BFG:1 )
- Meta Config 1.00 beta ( GA:-1 GL:2 LG:1 BFG:1 )
- Meta Config 1.00 beta ( RG:2 )

[code:1]Examples :

// For default config
$xp_meta_Conf = -1;
/load conf/meta

// For e5 config
$xp_meta_Conf = 0;
/load conf/meta

// For plus config
$xp_meta_Conf = 1;
/load conf/meta

// For rebounce config
$xp_meta_Conf = 2;
/load conf/meta

// For railonly with default settings and plus rail
$xp_meta_Conf = -1;
$xp_meta_Weapons = 3;
$xp_meta_RG = 1;

// For full custom/hybrid config (Where x is a number)
$xp_meta_Conf = -1
$xp_meta_GR = x;
$xp_meta_GA = x;
$xp_meta_MG = x;
$xp_meta_SG = x;
$xp_meta_GL = x;
$xp_meta_RL = x;
$xp_meta_LG = x;
$xp_meta_RG = x;
$xp_meta_PG = x;
$xp_meta_BFG = x;

$xp_meta_Weapons = x;
$xp_meta_Physics = x;
$xp_meta_Items = x;
$xp_meta_Powerups = x;
$xp_meta_Jumps = x;
$xp_meta_Drop = x;
$xp_meta_WeaponTime = x;
$xp_meta_Health = x;
$xp_meta_DMFlags = x;
$xp_meta_Respawn = x;
$xp_meta_ArmorSystem = x;
$xp_meta_Missiles = x;
$xp_meta_AntiCamp = x;
$xp_meta_TeamScore = x;
$xp_meta_Freeze = x;
$xp_meta_ItemMod = x;
/load conf/meta

More details:

[code:1]In general:
-1 = default config : default.cfg
0 = e5 config : excessive5.cfg
1 = plus config : plusN.cfg
2 = rebounce config : rebounceN.cfg[/code:1]


-1 = def
0 = e5
1 = plus
2 = rbc

-1 = def ALL - Grapple
0 = e5
1 = e5 Space Edition
2 = rbc ALL + Grapple
3 = RailOnly

-1 = def
1 = plus/e5

-1 = def/e5
1 = plus

-1 = def/e5
1 = plus

NB = number of MultiJumps

-1 = def
1 = plus/e5

-1 = def/e5
1 = plus

-1 = def
0 = e5
1 = plus

-1 = def/e5
1 = plus

-1 = def/e5
1 = plus

-1 = def
0 = e5
1 = plus

-1 = def/e5
1 = plus

-1 = def/e5
1 = plus

-1 = def/e5
1 = plus

-1 = def/e5
1 = plus

1 = plus Item Modification[/code:1]


-1 = def Grapple
2 = rbc Insta Faster Grapple

-1 = def Gauntlet
1 = plus Gauntlet
2 = rbc Faster Turbo Gauntlet

-1 = def Machinegun
1 = plus Machinegun
2 = rbc Rebouncing Machinegun
3 = rbc Insta Rebouncing Machinegun

-1 = def Shotgun
1 = plus Shotgun
2 = rbc Backward Firing Knockback Shotgun
3 = rbc Forward Firing Knockback Shotgun

-1 = def Grenade Launcher
1 = plus Grenade Launcher
2 = rbc Grenade Launcher

-1 = def Rocket Launcher
1 = plus Rocket Launcher
2 = rbc Guided Rocket Launcher

-1 = def Lightning Gun
1 = plus Lightning Gun
2 = rbc Rebouncing Lightning Gun

-1 = def Railgun
1 = plus Railgun
2 = rbc Rebouncing Railgun

-1 = def Plasma
1 = plus Plasma
2 = rbc Plasma Trap
3 = rbc Slower Stronger Rebouncing Plasma

-1 = def BFG
1 = plus BFG
2 = rbc BFG[/code:1]

In futur versions i will add some other things (as weapon modes, more specific settings) based on ppl suggestions.
And if ppl wanna add a config as official one then np Happy

For now try testing if all works correct pls and especially for e5 Big grin


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Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

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xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
Meta.cfg 1.00 beta2

Ok made a slight fix :

and for those who are too lazy to copy paste examples here are some files :

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

Check this peacefull place

xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
Meta.cfg 1.00 beta2

And here other files to show railonly and custom possibility :

if some1 from e5-like could help tell more about e5r/... pls post something here Happy

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

Check this peacefull place