Small minimum player rule added. Look at point 12a.
- General Info -
01. Sign ups till: 01.02.2010
02. Cup start: 01.02.2010
03. Clans: no limit
- Server Settings -
04. Gametype: freezetag [8]
05. Config: plusN [latest] + N.ClanWar.cfg which can be found HERE
06. Timelimit: 15 minutes
07. Fraglimit: 0 frags
08. xp_suddendeath "1"
09. xp_matchmode "1"
10. xp_freezestyle "0"
11. pb + pure: on
11a. Friendlyfire 1
- Teams Info -
12. Minimum allowed players per team during game is 3
12a. When there is more than 3 players on server minimum players required is 4.
13. Maximum allowed players per team during game is 5
14. Referee not needed: just post screenshots + demos
15. Every valid game will be considered as a game for the FreezeTag of PLUS side Clan Rank.
16. If a match isnt played within deadline there will be WO.
- If one clan doesnt reply = WO [use forums]
- If one clan doesnt show up after 20 minutes after set time
[Time set on public forums] = WO
- If one clan can't or doesn't have enough members during whole deadline time = WO [Pls don't sign up unless u can and want to play]
- WO will be counted as normal loss/win in tournament. The WO clan will be moved to Loserbracket and winner clan will continue as normal.
17. Please set date and play accordingly.
- Ladder System -
18. One week, one game.
19. Games will be played in BEST OF 3 system (minimum 2 maps for team to win the match)
and GRAND FINAL will be played in BEST OF 5 (Clanleaders will ban 2 maps each and then they will pick).
Here's the link to explain how WB and LB works
- Maps -
20. Maplist:
- q3dm7
- q3dm8
- q3dm11
- q3dm14
- cpm9
- cpm14
- poq3dm5
- mkexp
- ospra3map1
- overkill
- ermap3
- 6++
21. Maps will be drawn for each round by bot on irc, excluding previously played ones.
CLANLEADERS please sign up your clans with members participating + provide contact.
- Teams Signed In - (13)
- Unique (terror, mnc, black, ultima, agile, saint, vobb, pentagram, dea) mnc -> / terror -> / irc #unique+ @ quakenet
- Hyper (dragon, deky, hardcore, nosia, madmike, toxic, pannenkoek, hazard, narcyz, domcore, hylian, damian, tyrant) Dragon -> / deky -> / hazard ->
- DOK (crazy, soft air, hacker, mulla, persia, boston, Jdag, style, Monkey, Moretti, Towen, Revolver) Crazy -> / soft air ->
- MR (Camel, Cyrez, Doctor, Flash, Homix, Kaktus, Korgath, Laktos, Marcus, Mircwar, Mona, Mulder, Skaf, Stikkan, zont, Nagi) Kaktus -> / irc #mr-clan @ quakenet
- Absolute (lex, noshit, devast, he!!o, lion (google), zorky, epsilon, tadd, carla, tanya, tommy, the doctor, hunter, ufas, aliminum, red bull, bones) noshit -> / lex ->
- F2B (Impius, Fala, Spartan, Riku, Shell, Dranzer, Promec, Bleeding, Skull) Impius -> / irc #f2b-clan @ quakenet
- DA (Unreal, Syon, Pener, Reno, Ice, Seqvence, Beast, Dwob, Orange, Ste, Nikos, Tyrela, Abarth, Dynio, RailR, Yas, Meteorik, Eternal, Hazo, Electro) Unreal -> / Hazo ->
- Jumps (FPS, pro100, zik, corey, noopik, irina, octo, hurrygun)
- BBS (Yoshi, total, ozzgitz, rg, er, qra, zuszek, keep, red, xon, mlody, ruler, sabo, leito, fr bence, ewenement, purplehain) TOTAL -> / OZZGITZ -> / Y@SHI ->
- ZMB (Skinnis, Seebz, Sushi-Mann, Zady, Raikee, InseaneKid, Crucifix, Prox, Nanamoon, Saia, Rolnik, Dibe, Charrua, Ultra, Beng, Z1n, Epykoi, Orby, Rixo) EPYKOI -> / sushi-man ->
- WASP (Paradise, James, Sam, Beast, Dee, Yonito-kun, Cedrik, Abatlonk and Broken) Paradise -> / Killer ->
- Extreme (invisible, sch1fo, roni, freakman, adi, hexa, daxter, dess, 1o, tom, haspor, am1go, in, aheron) Invisible ->
- C4 (triv, io, frost, fresh, saru, asuran, szpak, asphyx, raz, silver, kickz)
#team.c4 @qnet
- List of maps for each round - Here is log from maps drawing
- 1st: q3dm14, overkill, and q3dm8 as a tie map
- 2nd: q3dm11, poq3dm5 and q3dm7 as a tie map
- 3rd: ermap3, ospra3map1 and cpm9 as a tie map
- 4th: cpm14, mkexp and 6++ as a tie map
- 5h: overkill, ospra3map1 and q3dm11 as a tie map
- 6th: cpm14, q3dm7 and mkexp as a tie map
- 7th: q3dm14, poq3dm5 and cpm9 as a tie map
- 8th round (The Grand Final) is going to be picked before games by clan leaders.
Clan from winner bracket has the right to pick the tie map.
Maps and teams are drawn
There is a configuration file below with N.ClanWar.cfg (settings for plusN) and mfc.cfg which can be loaded before games. [Server-side]
HYPER in (dragon,deky,hardcore,nosia,madmike,toxic,pannenkoek,hazard,narcyz,
/ /
(DOK) in (crazy, soft air, hacker, mulla, persia, boston, Jdag, style, and, revolver )
crazy: / soft air:
Edit: add Revolver
[Mr.]-clan (Camel, Cyrez, Doctor, Flash, Homix, Kaktus, Korgath, Laktos, Marcus, Mircwar, Mona, Mulder, Skaf, Stikkan, zont.)
Msn: (Kaktus)
Irc: #mr-clan
Let's try.
absolute - (lex, noshit, devast, he!!o, lion (google), zorky, epsilon, tadd, carla, tanya, tommy, the doctor, hunter, ufas, aliminum, red bull, bones)
noshit -
lex -
F2B in (Impius, Fala, Spartan, Riku Shell)
IRC: #f2b-clan
what about friendly fire? will it be turned on or off?
.DA| in
Unreal, Syon, Pener, Reno, Ice, Seqvence, Beast, Dwob, Orange, Ste, Nikos, Tyrela, Abarth, Dynio, RailR, Yas, Meteorik, Eternal, Hazo
Unreal -
Hazo -
Jumps in.
fps, pro100, zik, corey, noopik, irina, octo, hurrygun,turoth,mart,rengen,coupe
MSN - fps -
Edited. Added members.

Friendlyfire will be switched off.
Why? Maybe let it open for clans to agree on?
Friendlyfire will be switched off.