Hey m8s.use my id if your interested in making some money :twisted:
lol ? what u talking about? i know a way of making money m8.
It's called working !
simply wtf Sabo? o.O
money? where, when ?
i need moneyYYYYYYYYY
i been promoted twice in the past few months, but im even more broke than before D:
Did a little self-solvency test and found out i spend bout £300-500 per month on "other" thought bout detox again, then had some trouble with my dad, spent 4 days up North on a business trip (last 2 days i just met up with my mate who goes 2 Uni up there, and stayed on his campus - not exactly hotel, but i pocketed some cash and we went on a pub crawl... i will go up north again soon, this time purely for fun, that place is dutty, but dutty in a nice way at the same time. Loving it!!!!
curb crawling?
gl in making that extra money. invest in property or something, don't let others 'invest in your body'.
*preys for payday soon*
how did u pocket some cash shady?
im looking to buy some land, make my living off the land (fruit, eggs, plants, compost etc.etc.) and be self sufficient.. i aint gunna be working for the man much longer.
here is teh thing, the more money you have the more you spend, teh more you spend the more you need, the more you need teh more you work, the more you work teh more you have, its a vicious circle, wanting money.
i work to.that doesnt mean I cant do somethin with my free time