!~Monitor stressed up~! - PART 2 - getting worse :(
can someone infomr me how to prevent a view like displayed below? THe squares are everywhere!!!
Thank you for posting
already tried something? IF not try reinstall drivers and if that dont work test another graphic card.
Its graphics artefacts. There Is prob with gpu cooling. Clean ur gfx card radiators from dust.
Like flex said,overheating is probably the problem.But it may be also that card is dying,ram chips or something else.If u feel a funny smell soon like something is burning,welcome to my world ;] Seriously,check your cards temperature if its possible and make sure no wire is touching the chips on it,thats how mine burned out last year.Also consider adding one case cooler to lower the entire system temp a bit.
if that fails, check if you turned on overclocking on the graph card.
or the "dynamic voltage" or "dynamic speed" options (wich overclock depending on the temperature).
if i see those pictures correctly then the texture is becoming transparant lol.
wallhack !!
its deffinitly overclocking/heat problem.
sry, but ihmo kx doesnt know how o/c gfx so i dont think its prob with too hard o/c. Foksie dont talk about cosmos like "dynamic voltage" or "dynamic speed".
The best solution: open case, clan cooling and dont close case. If u dont have any case fan it will help get lower temps and fix prob with artefacts.
Like I said,add a cooler to your pc.Do u have any case coolers at all? Adding 1 120mm intake cooler (to blow air IN) decreased my system and cpu temperature by 10 degrees celsius,u might wanna try it.
ok, so there is no easy solution like CTRL ALT DEL?
...hmmm...dust on the card could be it, since i have no protection/body on my computer. I wil check
tnx...reporting later outcomes!
<drt_nihil> we about wolf and wolf is here
(@enha) damn you, people are dancing, instead of work
(@drt_foksie) she mutated