More in game browser problems
Hi all
I expect you've seen this one before, but I've looked around and still haven't been able to solve it:
I can run a server and tell my friends the IP and they can connect and play with no problems. However, I can't get the master browser to list me, or gamespy, or anything else. My server says "sending heartbeat" to the various master servers but it seems that because my server is on an internal IP ( it's causing a problem. I've tried specifying in my batch file the +set net_ip external ip for my server, but it gives me an error message "warning, couldn't allocate IP port" in my console.
I've tried forwarding various ports other than 27960 to my server but nothing seems to work. Is there a patch or something that would enable the server to modify the packets being sent to the master browser so that they contain my external ip? Am I missing something obvious:?: Any suggestions would be very welcome...
many thanks
I cant help you with the server problems. But if you found a perl script that solves your problems, you may want to download PERL for Windows:
This will enable you to execute perl script on Windows. I have tried this package some time ago, and it works just fine.
Good luck.
Sometimes the q3config file in the quake dir or the excessiveplus dir gets messed up so deleting it and letting quake make a new on worked for my linux server. I found that solution here..... I know this link pertains to linux servers but it has worked for me on Win32 as well.......
I just found another post which detailed a way to send the heartbeat from the gateway computer using a perlscript, which might well solve the problem. Unfortunately, my gateway machine is running win2k server
Does anyone know how i might be able to convert this script to run on win2k server, or a way to execute perl scripts from a windows platform? It seems that my problem stems from the gateway machine changing the heartbeat port from 27960 to 6000+ so that when the master browser replies, it replies to the 6000+ port instead of 27960 and the connection gets dropped due to my gateway failing to respond on that port
Looks like a pretty severe flaw in how the whole hearbeat system works in my opinion...
ours is not to reason why
ours it to get a rail in the eye