Mouse problem at the game.
As the topic says i have a problem with a mouse at game. i'm not sure depends that from game or windows settings, but anyway, when i play i got mouse tilts. Mouse freeze and then i got sound from windows like something unpluged from usb port. After that sound mouse work again. BUT for example at Diablo 3 this not happen never or in other games. Also in windows working normal. So can anybody say whats wrong? All drivers seems to be ok and no errors found and tried change ports but still same.
seems most likely a broken cable, it gets broke pretty close on the start, coz from fast movements it gets bent most of the time so the little cables inside gets broke. i had to open and solder them million times on my g9, then other mouses broke also but was lazy to fix them...u can do as i did soldering but its a complex operation and the hard way...the simple way is to get whatever cheap mouse and take its own cable n put it on urs, should be same cable and compatible anyway but not 100% sure. in other games doesn't happens coz u don't move the mouse too wide and fast, quake is the only game that gives u this issue more often due to the frenetic game style. that sound u hear, its the cables disconnecting and connecting again as u move the mouse, so in windows u hear the sound like plugging and unplugging.
i had similar problems when i was using bad usb hub, but it was in general (win, games etc.)
actually to be really sure if its a faulty usb cable or not u might try to move with ur hand left n right the cable of the mouse, from the start of it and then try a bit more to the middle and see if u get that disconnecting sound, checking also if the mouse stops working or not. moving the cable left n right, then up n down makes the little broken cables inside connect n disconnect, so if its a broken cable problem u'll find out this way, otherwise might be some other shit.

To Fabio cazzo.
oh balls, u were right ahah problem is u dunno whats that port for for flashing bios over usb stick...woof
Had the same problem before my mouse's cable died.

ye ye but now mouse not tilt.
nanananananana BLYATMAN!
where u had it plugged before? might seems a enlarged usb port that was too loose and the usb plub was dangling in there making wrong contact, but sounds very strange..
after 6 years my mouse has died today - a4tech evo oscar x710 xfrie ..
i stopped buying new mice cuz most of them just break within 2-3 months
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To Fabio cazzo.