MousePad que?tioN . FOR ALL !!!
Mousepad = Steelseries Qck. (standard)
Size = about 30 x 30cm. Yeah not big but I don't have much room on my desk. . Small mat forces my sens to be around 25cm.
Mousefeet = Teflon (mouse = DA 1800dpi).
Considering this is my first setup (been around 14 months now), can't really give 'proper' feedback since nothing to compare it too. BUT, its pretty damn smooth - saying that I came from a cheap optical and cardboard .
eyepad till death
.. i also have a goliathus, not the same story in fact it's used by my dad to read emails
god accurun/road/mr12 or whatever ur name is right now.
pixel jumping is detected by dpi/inch for 360 and by sensor, even if my mouse goes faulty 1/4 pixel ingame i wouldnt recognise it due to low sens and me having 4 times as much dpi as i would need.
I can try to guess at whom what sensitivity:
riddle 13\14cm per 180
terrorm8 18\20(mb more) per 180. both without accel
Btw, i have tried too many sensitivities in my q3 life. And i feel fine with low sens in e+, but not such as with same settings in cpma\ql, because my mouse's sensor is cheap and its not optical...
Low sens and accel is the best way to get a first place in some lazery cup.
Size: too small
razer goliathus speed
the same here
terror,riddler, i want u to exec 1 test for me (outgame)..
1. put 1 finger on the top of ur mouse
2. relax ur hand
3. eaaaasily try to move ur mouse with ur finger for 0.001 mm(u got what i mean)
After you did that, tell me.. Did your cursor went smooth? or did it jump a few pixels on the screen?
What u lookin' at, bra ? I'm back !