MU Fragfest / Vote now
18. December 2013 - 15:04
Re: MU Fragfest / Vote now

Sunday 29.12.2013 20:00/ PlusN/ Fraglimit 0 /Timelimit 45 or 60 min
18. December 2013 - 15:51
18. December 2013 - 20:19
Re: MU Fragfest / Vote now
Awww im not be online on 29.12 becouse I'm leaving to mountain for New Years eve.Have Fun guys
18. December 2013 - 21:54
Re: MU Fragfest / Vote now
I'm cool with settings, cya there !
19. December 2013 - 11:04
Re: MU Fragfest / Vote now
@CML, if I happen to be around, I would be happy and glad to help with MVDs recording
With Regards to name, name it "Mad Sheeps Frag Fest Madness" that is going to be a super cool name for it, if you give it that name, I would probably even play and stream along with recoding MVDs for excitement
GMZ, you can stay on spectator, no problem, we need someone to record whole MVD demo
About the rain, sorry its the part of the map and it cannot be removed.