Music File Directory System

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term's picture
Joined: Feb 2004

Hello All,

I am finding a quick and easy way to file my music folder by: Artist -> Album -> Song

iTunes is not the answer for me. It creates many m4a files which I do not want. I have tried a few other pieces of software but none seem to match the criteria.

If anyone has a solution, please feel free to catch me on MSN.


ExcessivePlus Administrator

nic4evercool's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
Music File Directory System

I don't use too many music players, but u can try MusicMatch , there u can locate songs the way u want (folders, album, title ..etc), I don't know either if u have try it Winking , greetings bro...peace...

*A*C|_ASS*???2JR wrote:
Sex is a sensation caused by temptation of a guy sticking his location into a girl's destination to increase the population of the next generation. Do you understand my explanation or do you need a demonstration? Big grin ...peace...

ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Music File Directory System

there you go:

I have a system which is called "Windows Explorer" and "disc D:"

Apparently it's the shit Tongue
Takes time to organize shit if it's not organized yet, but not that much time Tongue (screens show)

And i suggest you use Winamp as your chosen mp3 player and put all your music into one playlist... then any song you have can be found with any key u bind (j in my case)... takes seconds to find any song on the playlist.

if you open some gay little file which opens in winamp and no windows media and resets your whole playlist... just kill winamp.exe process thru ctrl+alt+del and playlist will be back when u restart winamp.

if you notice in the screenshot, i have more than 3000 songs in my playlist
and i recommend that shit.

p.s. i hate iPods, but wouldnt say no to a few if any said individual owed me some


nonsense repellent declamatory

Site administrator
term's picture
Joined: Feb 2004
Music File Directory System

All well and good, however I do not have the time to undertake such a tedious task in explorer.


ExcessivePlus Administrator

Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
Music File Directory System

You can try sorting your mp3's with musicbrainz Picard, altough it's kinda tricky to set up and use. As far as i remember, it has the option to automatize the directory creation process.