My Thanks
Let me express my really best wishes and thankful to You mi3 mates!
You were handling me as a friend all time and You were making a place beetween You whenever we had funtime, train, funwar, clanwar, mixwar any games we were connected to..!
At this time in mi3 I found very nice personalities with mega-funky atmosphere which I love so much
I know in last 1-2 months I wasn't in the bloodvein of the clanlife, but previously we shared a lot of fun and good times together, which lives further in my memories and hope in yours too
Maybe You didn't know but I have made a deal with Turbo before I had joined to Your clan and this was about I will stay only until my basic rail clan, pinkTerrorsquad becomes alive and active again.
So maybe we will get into sight as in opponent teams as time showing CUP matches but fight is a fight, friends still can live throu with bro'driven
So Thank You dear mi3 members to let me have the good games wiht You!
Cheers & best wishes to make Your way towards as a clan here!
Good luck Beng!
csumi gl
Wish more players could say such things well said and thanks Mi3 for taking care of bengz0r, CU in the arena btw. soon cw ?

Wish more players could say such things
well said and thanks Mi3 for taking care of bengz0r, CU in the arena btw. soon cw ?

At this time in mi3 I found very nice personalities with mega-funky atmosphere which I love so much
yiie men thats why im here. you are very niiiiiice personalities guys too.
i heard when you join to mi3 you make me veeeery happy.