N00B question
How do i alocate radio/voice chat things to specific keys?
you know the.. you sneaky bastard stuff,
any way to macro it?
Feel free to thank Oldvamp for this, he posted somewhere else here
bind X "say &def_depdisp.wav Dispenser Deployed"
bind X "say &def_deppipe.wav Pipe Trap Deployed"
bind X "say &def_depsen.wav Sentry Deployed"
bind X "say &def_dropflag.wav Defend the dropped flag"
bind X "say &def_fixsenty.wav Repair our sentries"
bind X "say &def_flag.wav Defend our flag"
bind X "say &def_flagdanger.wav The flag is in danger"
bind X "say &def_flagprimexit.wav Flag outgoing primary exit"
bind X "say &def_flagsafe.wav Base Secure"
bind X "say &def_flagsecexit.wav Flag outgoing secondary exit"
bind X "say &def_iam.wav I'm defending"
bind X "say &def_incflag1.wav Incomeing flag"
bind X "say &def_incflag2.wav They're comeing for the flag"
bind X "say &def_incprimrte.wav Incomeing primary route"
bind X "say &def_incsecrte.wav Incomeing secondary route"
bind X "say &def_needsupp.wav Requesting support"
bind X "say &def_obj.wav Defend the objective"
bind X "say &def_wpt.wav Defend the WayPoint"
bind X "say &gen_anytime.wav Any Time"
bind X "say &gen_ceasefire.wav Cease Fire"
bind X "say &gen_firehole.wav Fire in The Hole"
bind X "say &gen_giveammo.wav Give me some ammo"
bind X "say &gen_gogogo.wav GO GO GO!!"
bind X "say &gen_goodbye1.wav Good Bye"
bind X "say &gen_goodbye2.wav G'Bye"
bind X "say &gen_halt.wav Halt"
bind X "say &gen_hello1.wav Hello"
bind X "say &gen_hello2.wav Hullo"
bind X "say &gen_inpos.wav In Position"
bind X "say &gen_isbasesec.wav Is our base secure?"
bind X "say &gen_moveout.wav Moooove out"
bind X "say &gen_movepls.wav Move please"
bind X "say &gen_no1.wav NO"
bind X "say &gen_no2.wav NO"
bind X "say &gen_noprob.wav No Problem"
bind X "say &gen_objcplt.wav Objective Complete"
bind X "say &gen_objfld.wav Objective Failed"
bind X "say &gen_oops.wav Oops"
bind X "say &gen_pass.wav ASS"
bind X "say &gen_reportin.wav Report IN"
bind X "say &gen_sorry.wav Sorry"
bind X "say &gen_stop.wav STOP"
bind X "say &gen_unlucky.wav Unlucky"
bind X "say &gen_wait.wav Wait"
bind X "say &gen_waitord.wav Awaiting Orders"
bind X "say &gen_watchfire.wav Watch Your Fire"
bind X "say &gen_yes1.wav YES"
bind X "say &gen_yes2.wav Yes"
bind X "say &off_attobj.wav Attack the Objective"
bind X "say &off_attsentry.wav Attack the enemy Sentry"
bind X "say &off_attwpt.wav Attack the Way Point"
bind X "say &off_carrsupp.wav Our Flag Carrier needs support"
bind X "say &off_coverme.wav Cover Me"
bind X "say &off_defhvy.wav Enemy Defence Heavy"
bind X "say &off_deflight.wav The Enemy defence is light"
bind X "say &off_dephe.wav Heavy Explosive Deployed"
bind X "say &off_flagget.wav Get the Enemy flag"
bind X "say &off_flaggive.wav Give Me the flag"
bind X "say &off_flaghave.wav I have the enemy flag"
bind X "say &off_flagtake.wav Take the flag from me"
bind X "say &off_imatt.wav I'm attacking"
bind X "say &off_needsupp.wav I need reenforcements"
bind X "say &off_spotpipe.wav Pipes spotted"
bind X "say &off_spotsen.wav Sentry spotted"
bind X "say &tap_alright.wav Alright!"
bind X "say &tap_aw.wav Awwww..."
bind X "say &tap_goaway.wav Go Away"
bind X "say &tap_goodgame1.wav Good Game"
bind X "say &tap_goodgame2.wav Great Game"
bind X "say &tap_myflag1.wav My Flag"
bind X "say &tap_myflag2.wav My flag, and you can't have it"
bind X "say &tap_nicecapture1.wav Nice Capture"
bind X "say &tap_nicecapture2.wav Niice Capture"
bind X "say &tap_nicemove1.wav NICE Move"
bind X "say &tap_nicemove2.wav NICE MOVE!"
bind X "say &tap_niceshot.wav Nice Shot"
bind X "say &tap_sneakybastard.wav You sneaky bastard"
bind X "say &tap_thatsucks1.wav That Sucks"
bind X "say &tap_thatsucks2.wav That Suuucks"
bind X "say &tap_thegreatest.wav We're the greatest"
bind X "say &tap_wellplayed1.wav Well Played"
bind X "say &tap_wellplayed2.wav Well Played" //english accent
bind X "say &tap_werock1.wav We Rock"
bind X "say &tap_werock2.wav We ROCK"
bind X "say &tap_yourmine.wav Your Mine"
bind X "say &tap_yourock.wav YOU Rock"
The "x" its the key youre gonna bind the sound to...In your "Quake III Arena\excessiveplus\q3config.cfg" file