''name'' is:''*ZMB*DIBE*'' default:''Unnamedplayer'' blala..
Can some1 help me and tell, how can i remove that???
(allways showing me)
it's xfire...get used to it
yep, xfire, easy to remove it, it's something with statistic tracking which doesn't work anyway I think...
whoa, you can remove it??? howssss
In options, under the game tab, find your Q3 and check Disable Xfire in-game. It fixes the problem, well it did for me, but disables the use of xfire ingame of course. Not a problem though, just switch to windowed mode if you receive a message with xfire.
sorry for offtopic
wow u people actually using xfire ??
i thought nobody does nowadays xD
maybe i should install it again after few years of rehab xD
dude, it shows how much of a nerd i am...WHY THE FUCK NOT?
Worked for me.
srry vex...i just find that childish
yea, howssss
pew pew you're dead