National teams SoundPaks
I will relaunch an old idea I have got long time ago, and all national teams are invited to this project.
Each national team have to choose some representant to record some voices in their languages (male/female/and maybe also bots).
If this project is successfull pk3s of each country participating will be added with the mod, and then it is up to server admins to let them or not.
About soundpaks:
- - Ppl who have the pk3 will hear the voices when they are on unpure servers even if server hasn't the pk3.
- For pure servers, the server must have the pk3, else, you will not hear anything, but that doesn't cause to be kicked or anything like.
- Finally, for ppl who haven't pk3s, that will not change anything for them, they will not hear sounds and they will only see something like &fr_hello2.wav Hello! on unpure servers and just Hello! on pure ones
Note that there is already a moroccan, soundpak
The following steps is what each national team should do :
- 1- Find a list of lyrics, we can start with what exists as sounds and adapt some : ( et add somethings special for each language.
- examples:
- goodnight
- howareyou
- finethanks
- brb
2- When lyrics are ready, the recording starts
The files syntax will be as follow :
- xp_country_[f_|b_]englishsoundnameNUM.wav
OU :
- - xp_country_ : is the country of national team you use in e+ (xp_country cvar) followed with underscore (_)
- f_ : means it's a female sound
- b_ : means it's a bot sound
- englishsoundname : that's the english name of sound file describing the lyrics not having underscore (_) and being in lowercase
- NUM : a number starting from 1 meaning it's a variation of same sound as hello1 and hello2
- .wav : the sound's extension
[code:1]===french soundpak===
//male sounds
//female sounds
//bot sounds
===polish soundpak===
===swedish soundpak===
For the recording tools, the windows XP sound recorder is enough
[code:1] you can find it in start menu > execute
type %SystemRoot%\system32\sndrec32.exe
start menu \Programs\Accessories\Sound record (or dunno what is called in ur language) :)[/code:1]
Other simple way that have a good quality for q3 use msn recorder, it works.
For professionals recorder, try not using a high quality sound, it's not needed in q3, it has bigger size and I don't know if it works.
NOTE: sounds on e+ have 320 kbit/s bit rate, ones comming from msn are if I remember well a 256 kbit/s, it was so enough for q3
3- Mastering sound length, after sounds finished some1 has to cut a bit of the sound from begining and the end of sound file.
I you are so bored to do it, I can help.
4- Last step is to create a pk3 and that's quite easy, I can do it when files are ready.
We only have to place the files in a folder sound\voices\ and zip it as .pk3 with a name sound_xp_country.pk3
ex: sound_fr.pk3 sound_pl.pk3 sound_se.pk3 ...
All soundpak must not have illegal content such as (hard) insults, racist words or even personal attacks...
To help you here is an xls file you can use to update/share/validate lyrics.
The work has already started with france national team.
[/][/][/][/][/]if you are interested in making an official E+ soundpack to replace the annoying one we currently have, i'm willing to help out as i'm a trained sound engineer so I could enhance the quality of any samples made.
now a Scottish one that sounds awesome
thats exactly what i mean ...some new stuff,
that can make a server unique:
different feedback-Sounds, for example.
nice idea, i'll try to involve my national players to do it.
1st of all i have a bad voice.. 2nd, freetime for me is reducing drastically in this period, but ofc i can ultimate the work of my mates with audio editing.

now a Scottish one that sounds awesome
"nae bother"
"ya wee numpty"
"Ho sair, whit ya all aboot ya cunt"
go go go zack

now a Scottish one that sounds awesome"nae bother"
"ya wee numpty"
"Ho sair, whit ya all aboot ya cunt"
go go go zack
i go doyntoyn, goodboay
Great idea man! ill let mexicans know about this
ps sorry for late response
+1 for Lithuania. I think someone from LNT will record it
I am forced to remove my post and repost it again instead of just posting after to attract ppl
, And stop posting pls stupid threads that makes good ones be forgotten.
Maybe it's better to start choosing soundnames together before to find lyrics for own language :
here is my basic list that should be updated with your help :
// polite sounds
// unpolite sounds :twisted:
// ???
// answers sounds
// game comments sounds
// movements sounds
// team sounds
ok, pls correct this full list if I have organised it bad, and add new sound or remove the sound you don't like (mark it red)
I'm counting on you
Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co
Check this peacefull place