NB 3:1 *DK*/13.11.06/RANKED
*DK* vs NB (Freeze match)
1st map q3dm6 (FreezE): 15-11 *DK*
2nd map q3dm7 (FreezE): 15-7 NB
3rd map q3dm11 (FreezE): 15-10 NB
4th map q3dm13 (FreezE): 15-5 NB
Gametype: FreezE
Timelimit: 0
Fraglimit: 15
Pure: Enabled
Punkbuster: Disabled
Referee: PJax

Punkbuster: Disabled
but great games
GG, but since when are you, Pjax, an official referee for the clan ranking? Can't see you on the ref list...
every game needs a ref ? if both teams agree with what they did and all are made by the rules, i dont see the need of a ref. And btw more ref will be a better solution cause u cant find the 8 or how many are refs everytime .
edit : about pb pure etc ons i suggest games to play on some servers just on them where u can callvote for many things except the one that there are stricted(like pb on ) and rcon for ref only
PJax dont wrote anywhere that he is E+ referee. I think that he was just helpfull. So far I know both clans havent server to play CW. So, Pjax host server for both clans. Also he is experianced player and he post results for them. I dont see any problem here, in fact good work Pjax you helping clans which havent resources or knowledge... Other what I know is that both clans have language barier problems. So, Pjax from Poland can easy talk to NB clan... About PB Off that is unpopular... :roll:
wow pb: off! i dont know cw can play without pb! i think it isnt good!
gg DK! nice NB!
4th map q3dm13 (FreezE)
play hard, you'll forget the fear...