NC2011 R8 PLvsYU
19. January 2012 - 12:15
Heya there, we need to play in round 10. When are u available?
20. January 2012 - 23:49
Re: NC2011 R8 PLvsYU
Yo, we'll let you know after our game vs FFF, cuz they are first in queue
25. January 2012 - 9:05
Re: NC2011 R8 PLvsYU
So? when we can play
27. January 2012 - 20:13
Re: NC2011 R8 PLvsYU
aloooha ? anyone home
28. January 2012 - 19:04
Re: NC2011 R8 PLvsYU
Hi, i think leaders some inactive . I just made a post in priv poland forum, about tomorrow to set this clan war, around 20/21. I will write you if we will agree this date and time. Ofc if you will can tomorrow around this time. And sorry for late answer
bumping a bit cause its sooo cooool! c: