need ebay feedback help
Hey all . i open new account on ebay because i got selling allowance i need to score 10 positive feedbacks . People cant buy time . But people also can help each other, the reason of that post is silly.
i register account on but i got high Uk stock. and i dont got account to sell any of that iteam.
if i want put ebay auction from inside of other country then Pl (uk de bigger market ). i must score 10 feedbacks.
if you are interested to help send me pm.
What i offer ? Ofc i will send you money back , even before your payment .
belong 3 small iteam for sale. When i score feedback i will stop auction of them. and start sell iteam from inside of UK.
thx for reading
Even on ebay you cheat
just gtfo already zarzyn

What i offer ? Ofc i will send you money back , even before your payment.
If someone would to do so, better would be for them to gain something from it

What i offer ? Ofc i will send you money back x2 the price you've submitted, even before your payment.
Someone pays 5zł, make comment/review/rate positive and gets money back x2 to gain some
because nobody would do such thing here [for free]
i almost banned you for commercial bot posts.

i almost banned you for commercial bot posts.
almost doesnt count, bring out the banhammer
it is bad to trick a self regulating system.

just gtfo already zarzyn
for some1 who got caught with active autoshot , ure pretty lousy.

just gtfo already zarzynfor some1 who got caught with active autoshot , ure pretty lousy.
For someone who doesnt got balls you act like you have some
i dont lose nothing to put that topic. i can make some thinks faster.
Your comment show how small person you are, it is all.