Need help
Hello guys,
I wanna build a new roof for my house this year in september or october but the german companies are a bit to expensive. They wanna have for my new roof 60000 Euro
My house is 15 meter long and 9 meter wide and I wanna have for it a new roof with 30 degree roof pitch.
My question: Do you know some company names from your country/city that can make the job?
I heard that the companies from other countries are cheaper. They wanna have for the same job maybe just arround 20000-35000 Euro.
I'm asking especially the guys from poland or romania but also the others who are near to germany and can come here to build my new roof.
I am grateful for any hint.
Thanks a lot
I heard that polish people in Germany are always cheap and they are really industrious.. sounds cruel? sorry for offtop. gl with this anyway.
Just be sure to take good references beforehand, you'll be surprised at how many dilettantes and scam artists are active in construction work.
60K EUR for a roof? You could buy a great 2 room apartment with that money and furnish it completely in Romania. What a rip-off. I don't really know too much about Romanian construction workers, but I'm certain they're quite cheap. Please look for references before hiring, as that's the best route to take.
out there are plenty of companies like this who could do it, the only prob's i see is the distance and language, if u have someone who could cooperate with the construction company and order supplies and coordinate the work u can theoretically hire a lot more companies in poland, if u willing u can ask some polish friend to write advertisement on gumtree, to find company with germain speaking manager, shouldn't be hard since we share a border and many ppl speak germain
i have seen one company made a roof in one day, depends of course what materials u want to be used and how tricky the construction is
btw. i would be rather scared to hire Romanians even for work in PL, sorry but they have truly bad opinion in all over world
loled for such cash here (pl) U have a 15 m long and 9 m wide building without a roof fuck roof and buy a car... for examplle coupe-cabrio... U'll have Ur's roof... plus wheels and engine
maybe a nice piece of ass btw...

loled for such cash here (pl) U have a 15 m long and 9 m wide building without a rooffuck roof and buy a car... for examplle coupe-cabrio... U'll have Ur's roof... plus wheels and engine
maybe a nice piece of ass btw...
My house has a roof, but it is a bit old and it needs new roofing tiles.
Btw. I already bought last year a new car (ok..almost was 6 monts old) so there is no need for another oneTHX Paradise and Animalchik for your hints
Some other suggestions/hints?
i have one dude on my footballteam who maybe knows some dudes who can build u a cheap roof, would be cash-in-hand job though. if ur interested just pm me.

loled for such cash here (pl) U have a 15 m long and 9 m wide building without a roof
fuck roof and buy a car... for examplle coupe-cabrio... U'll have Ur's roof... plus wheels and engine
maybe a nice piece of ass btw...
ahah good thinking !
That's true. I have several polish friends and work colleagues in the real life and all of them are really industrious but that doesn't means that all the people from poland are like them. Every country has their good and bad citizens.
For sure, I will be very carefully and I'll check everything before contract close.
Thx for ur hint.
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