Need Help @ Math
Hey guys. im preparing to pre-exam atm, and need your fast help with math (differential equations). Have kind of theory task.
y'=sin(x)-tg(y). I need to prove that it has only 1 periodical solution in 'line' y in (-pi/2 ; pi/2).
If any1 can anyhow help me - contact me : or post here
Help is actual nearest 6 hours
LoL confused as hell... good luck with your exams
matt + much beer = matt drunk²
good luck with ur math thing i am to drunk to answer u right..... ehhhmmm i mean i cant solve that question... ffs.... i cant do anything xD
where is abarth when you need him? he is a math-genius, try to contact him
I'm not a math-genius, I even dont remember how do you know I love math But I just love, that doesnt matter I know it perfectly. But dont worry, 6 hours is long, I will try to solve it.
EDIT: Ehh, didnt know I forgot almost everything from math. Sorry, can't do it. I would have to dig whole math from the start to do that task. Math is my hobby but I have not learned it from like 2 years. One day I'm gonna start learning just for myself.
So for now... I'm sorry.
i'm sorry i failed too.. and i forgot many stuffs since 4 years ago..
i hope you asked this question on yahoo answers also .. cause there are some math freaks and might help ya.
Edit: what i saw lately was that:
the same equation can be writen as this:
__ = sin(x)-tg(y)
__ = sin(x)- (sin(y) / cos(y))
i made the notation f(k) = sin(k)
__ = f(x) - ( f(y) / f(pi/2-y) )
because cos(y) = sin(pi/2 - y)
this is the only way i can think of for having pi/2 in your equation .. i don't see other ways , yet xD
and after this you should try to use Fourier series with even and odds .. cause sin(x) is a odd function while cos(x) is an even function ...
even function means f(-t) = f(t)
hope this might help
This can help, maybe!?!?
Trigonometric identities:
sin 2x + cos 2x = 1
1 + tg 2x = sec 2x
1 + cotang 2x = csc 2x
tan x = sin x - csc x = 1
cos x sin x
sec x = 1 - cotang x = 1 = cos x
cos x tan x sin x
sin (x ± y) = sin x · cos y ± cos x · sin y
cos (x ± y) = cos x · cos y + sin y sin x ·
tg (x + (-) y) = tan x + (-) tan and
1 - (+) x · tg and tg
sin (2x) = 2sin x · cos x
cos (2x) = cos ² x - sin ² x tan (2x) = 2TG x / 1 - tan ² x
sin (x) = ± (root) 1 - cos x
2 2
cos (x) = ± 1 + cos x
2 2
tg (x) = ± (root) 1 - cos x
2 1 + cos x
sin x + sin y = 2sin (x + y / 2) · cos (x - y / 2)
sin x - sin y = 2 cos (x + y / 2) · sin (x - y / 2)
cos x + cos y = 2cos (x + y / 2) · cos (x - y / 2)
c os x - cos y =-2sin (x + y / 2) · sin (x - y / 2)
Your russian tovarich OMS seems to be online, just for future reference. GL.
Thx for trying to help
With tips of teacher I passed this 
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Gratz kakatus
2 beer or not 2 beer