Need Your Input Please
As some of you have heard, I am thinking about pulling the plug on my server, aslo known as Terms Killing Den Freeze 1.03 E+ due to lack of use. But i have gotten a few comments to ask the people what they would like to see on the server to make it a better server so that it will be used more often. At the moment, the server is only used like 5 times a month or so as far as I can see. So your input will be mostly appreciated.
Perhaps a different cfg of some sort, different gametype, gun power too high or too low, weapon switching too fast or too slow, maps, etc.
I really hate to shut server down, but it is not used enough, so everyone's imput will be most appreciated.
To those who haven't been on my server, here is ip to server.
Give the server a try out and post some comments that will help me to make a better server for more people to come to. Thanx.
I would like to see it as a mix of TDM and Freeze, with appropriate maps for each game type. For instance, dont have freeze games palyed on Q3DM3.
I would also like to see a custom map pack on it, you know, something different than the typical Q3 maps. The only drawback would be that peeps have to download the files either via Q3 server, which is really slow, or off the web somewhere. So, if there is a way, it would be good to zip up all the non-standard maps and upload them somewhere and then they could easily be downloaded and put in the appropriate location.
If I am not mistaken, I think you can set the server up so that it reports a url on E+ spider. If that is the case, you could point everyone to the location of the maps that way, or post a link to them in the forum.
As for weapons, Ill check that out and post after work today, but seems like all is fine with the cfg for me.
Deex's server is popular but the cfg sucks. That's why it seriously attracts the noobs. So i guess you should avoid anything like that. 2!sweet cfg is pretty solid i guess. Also try custom maps like the ones in 2!s. But I suggest you try new ones too. is probably the most organised site out there. After you decide on the maps host a zip of them some place and post a link in the forums for download. I guess there is nothing more you can do. I don't play much on american servers to see the players but from my taste the majority is noobs. Don't know what to say. Maybe there is no need for so many american servers . Don't let me dissapoint you though! (i do that alot )
mmmh, if u want to test plus.cfgs, just pm me (its the normal bro cfg with just lil changes
anyway, about tartaros suggestion with custom maps, server needs to get popular before u include custommaps. (and deex config isnt bad, it is just more excessive as bro.cfg or plus.cfg, thats all)
deexserver was not popular from beginning. they had serverfillers (people who join empty servers) and they made each day advertising on shoutbox. mmmh, it took arround 4 months, before it was used similiar like today.
as long u have a fix port u have to invest much self energy to make the server popular, like joining empty server with 1 or 2 friends or more, and stay on it more than 10 minutes, beeing nice to nubs who join and so on.
Lol, the thing is, the server has already been up for nearly 4 months. So now I'm asking to see if it is cfg problems of some sort.
Cryp, I agree with Mow. Just spend as much time as possible there so that someone will be seen on the server. I know its boring on a server all alone, and you could be alone for an hour before someone comes in...but in my experience it usually doesnt take that long before someone comes in. I couldnt stay in an empty server last night...was working on cfg, trying to get my mouse right and peeps kept coming in within 5 minutes. I finally just stopped working on the mouse settings and played...hahah.
Sinon ripped me a new one though (50 - 40)....payback to him is coming, soon as I get my mouse straight... :twisted:
thats what i did with deexfrag join and play bots till others came then leave one or two bots use to runn ffa 4 1 ctf and ffa ...thx mow for commit about about config.... Mybee the best thing to do is runn just FFA cause you dont need so many players
i vote for making server TDM & FREEZE mode ill bring euro players there for 1v1 and destroy them and make fun of them after a while
jk .. just make it TDM & FREEZE.. i think this server could be more popular than deex if CFG changes too like 1v1-plus.cfg or plus.cfg
i think this server could be more popular than deex if CFG changes too like 1v1-plus.cfg or plus.cfg
Yes! It could be great, seriously, use Mowly's plus-dm.cfg! The CFG is the only reason I'm not there more often, the maps are fine to me. I love DM4, DM5, DM7, DM8, DM17, et cetera...
If you wanna use more maps maybe add some CPMA maps...? I have tons of CPMA maps and a few other customs, I'd be more than happy to share any/all maps I have for the server. If you're interested let me look through what I've got, give you a list/screenshot maybe, and just tell me which ones you wanna try out.
Its a sweet ass server for my ping
I think a change in cfg is necessary...
Lol, the thing is, the server has already been up for nearly 4 months. So now I'm asking to see if it is cfg problems of some sort.