Netcode - high ping vs low ping
This video mostly also translates to E+.
So please guys - stop defending/camping with higher pings. Everytime I come around a corner you have your Ping as a disadvantage until you see me and then you have a Ping as a disadvantage until your shot reaches the server.
Did you mean to post this 10 years ago? Also, why would PUBG netcode (with bullet drop) translate at all to E+ unlagged?
interesting topic, and very good video.
As it clearly says in the video, having high ping has its advantages and disadvantages, but you are not going to compare a slow game PUBG with E + which is much faster, and where spam is impossible to avoid even if you come out with a BFG jump or granade jump , I agree with everything the video says except for one, I have been experiencing this kind of thing on e + for about 10 years or more, in dm17 the same thing happened with respawn and not only in dm17, in other maps the same ... I have hit many rails playing duel with ulti, but apparently it did not matter who fired first, he always got the point even if I hit him first, is it convenient for me to always be in constant movement and I have always known it, but I will not always get the victory playing offensive.and Yes, the advantages are there, but believe me that it is difficult to get them no matter how much I want because I will constantly be facing low pings and this type of thing that is usually called advantages and disadvantages.
A duel of pro players low ping vs high ping only rail, the one who attacks first will always win and it is very logical for the one who plays with intelligence.

I have been experiencing this kind of thing on e + for about 10 years or more, in dm17 the same thing happened with respawn and not only in dm17, in other maps the same ... I have hit many rails playing duel with ulti, but apparently it did not matter who fired first, he always got the point
Eh I don't want to sound mean but this tells me that Ultima is a decent player who knows spawn points. I've played with plenty of players that have convinced themselves of "bugs" (there's one infamous case of a guy spending thousands of dollars 'improving' his net).
If what you say holds true, over a decade, then clearly ping or latency has something to do with it. It can only get so 'unlagged', at some point you are just obfuscating the results. I was unsure what Skulls point here was, I presumed he was talking about peekers advantage...that should exist regardless of ping.
![[MR.]MIRCWAR [MR.]MIRCWAR](/files/screenname/47ad4738fd00e756c21d82e6c568b7f4.webp)
Ultima is a decent player
+! Ultima cool, he have excessiveplus style.
This Community lost a lot of information and skill, for knowledge guys like you this is basically boring content. But at the same time you can count guys around here who know all the stuff on one hand.
the reason I posted this are 2 - A: it is a very good youtube channel. B: People tend to camp more as more they get hit in an effort to not get hit. which in return causes them to play in disadvantegious ping situations.
About how netcode works - Netcode doesn't get reinvented on every game. Why reinvent the wheel? Most netcodes are made with bad connections in mind. In fact Quake3 netcode is made for 56k Modems and the same very netcode runs very good even nowadays with all our super duper internet power. Newer netcodes have more leeway in the amount of data transfered, but stuff is still tcp/ip udp, which means any netcode is based on the same thing we have since 20 years. (ok, a bit far fetched, but proof me otherwise.)
hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."