New Clan Database online!
6. March 2005 - 11:51
We have just updated the clan database. You can now register new accounts with your email address.
Be sure to enter your valid email address because an email will be sent to it to verify the account.
Please feel free to register your clans here.
6. March 2005 - 15:19
New Clan Database online!
Niice....Already did mine...Thanks Easy people have been asking me for a long time about this.
7. March 2005 - 18:02
New Clan Database online!
I can't recieve the email
7. March 2005 - 18:10
New Clan Database online!
Login into your account and click the link to send it again.
Isn't your clan already registred?
7. March 2005 - 18:14
New Clan Database online!
thx, haven't known that I can send it again
7. March 2005 - 21:26
New Clan Database online!
good idea (i hope) :twisted:
8. March 2005 - 15:34
New Clan Database online!
Also new clans looking for a forum check out this link
14. March 2005 - 13:17
New Clan Database online!
gooD woRK! php owns all
15. July 2005 - 16:59
hehe nice
18. October 2005 - 6:37
New Clan Database online!
hmm... where WASP clan? i cant find here
now we can see how many new clan's are maded