New clan members (all clans) - ENGLISH ONLY!
gl ava and hell
what the fucking bullshit these polish assholes are doing, dudes you rule the whole quake you join 1000 clans fuck off and grow up... even me who faked so much clan never moved out of a clan rofl (just beeing INVITED or KICKED )
learn to count and check how many polish players play q3 and how many belgian... then stfu
polish assholes
Killer dont try to be provocative, cause you cannot surprise e+ community with anything.
Zepar - ZMB Zepar
Blaze - ZMB Blaze
what the fucking bullshit these polish assholes are doing, dudes you rule the whole quake you join 1000 clans fuck off and grow up... even me who faked so much clan never moved out of a clan rofl (just beeing INVITED or KICKED )
Sad but I agree with Killer (of course of meaning - not the bad words)
changing the clans like gloves just sucks for me. (I changed a few clans [pGv, tvl, and maybe 1 more] - ok, but now I dont wanna be in any clan [at least in e5] until Im fully ready to be in a clan)
Missile -> *[UO]*Missile'
Missile -> *[UO]*Missile'
wow first new one in uo from long time GL MISIEK
Missile -> *[UO]*Missile'
gl Misiek =]
gl Misiek and Blaze