New clan members comments
<random thing>
Sry Dincy, my times never allow me to be any active around anymore, wish you all the luck and fun where you find it.
sry guys but i have just created an inactive clan so im leaving it to make another inactive clan which i will be leaving cuz is inactive so sry guys but i have just created an inactive clan so im leaving it to make another inactive clan which i will be leaving cuz is inactive so sry guys but i have just created an inactive clan so im leaving it to make another inactive clan which i will be leaving cuz is inactive so sry guys but i have just created an inactive clan so im leaving it to make another inactive clan which i will be leaving cuz is inactive so sry guys but i have just created an inactive clan so im leaving it to make another inactive clan which i will be leaving cuz is inactive so sry guys but i have just created an inactive clan so im leaving it to make another inactive clan which i will be leaving cuz is inactive so sry guys but i have just created an inactive clan so im leaving it to make another inactive clan which i will be leaving cuz is inactive so sry guys but i have just created an inactive clan so im leaving it to make another inactive clan which i will be leaving cuz is inactive so sry guys but i have just created an inactive clan so im leaving it to make another inactive clan which i will be leaving cuz is inactive so sry guys but i have just created an inactive clan so im leaving it to make another inactive clan which i will be leaving cuz is inactive so sry guys but
and this is going on tards
I can name a bunch of idiots doing this and having like 10 clans at a time in a mod which is already dead and like played by 10players
When i go to new clan members i hope to find some actually informational thing about old ppl being back or clans getting re-activated no this bs
That that, explain me more
Good Luck Nag! in Vendetta
3M'genesis --- > PW*genesis
dunno?! koszmit --> PW*koszmit
Ofc I wouldnt do that, cuz Im not russian
ehh equi, you really do sometimes surprise me.
<- not multiclanning , joining pw for this tourney .
<- not multiclanning , joining pw for this tourney .
Wait wut... if your clan's status is officially inactive (and probably won't be active again) and you joined another clan while yours inactive, does it still count as multiclanning?