New Clan Members Comments - Flaming & Spamming

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Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
New Clan Members Comments - Flaming & Spamming

Nah, keep your clothes, i hear it's drafty in UK this time of year.

But you're right, offending family members is a bit low, even for my standards. Sorry.

kLighter wrote:

(shady pls do this 1 thing for me and don't help ur pussy doll,
let him handle this himself)

Like you kept Fala out of this? Learn to deal with your own problems yourself.

!@#$%&*( terror )_
terror's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
GB United Kingdom
New Clan Members Comments - Flaming & Spamming

Most funny thing about this is that I'm barely keeping contacts with fala Big grin
I didn't talk with him like 2 weeks now Big grin
Not because he is very busy man, we just don't have anything to talk about.

Suprise u are an WUSS

Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
New Clan Members Comments - Flaming & Spamming

That's a funny coincidence, i don't have anything to talk to him about, either, that's why i declined his offer. I did, however, clearly imply i'm an easy man to find, if he insists, and if you insist, too.

Step up or shut up.

!@#$%&*( terror )_
terror's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
GB United Kingdom
New Clan Members Comments - Flaming & Spamming

hahaha still digging this hole ?
man u wussed out over and out wuss xD

Where's beer, there's a good chat.
I would be delighted if he would invite me Crying

Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
New Clan Members Comments - Flaming & Spamming

Well, at least we've established who's the real wuss here. Tell me when you grow a pair.

I'll invite you for a beer. Tongue

necrogeddon's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
New Clan Members Comments - Flaming & Spamming

I hate to do it because I feel everyone should be free to express themselves in whatever manner they so choose, but really this thread contributes nothing to the discussion or the issues at hand, so I'm locking it. I would say take it to PM but I have a feeling that'd be a big waste of time too... Thinking

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