New clan members comments (nov2008 - may2013)

I'm very sad that we managed to loose 2 of our main characters,and they will both be missed,believe me.
But i wouldn't call it rock bottom,not by a longshot. Rock bottom would have been back in -06 -07 when there were just me and Butcher waving the afterlife flag. We still have enough dedicated and kickass mates to not be considered in 'big trouble'.
@Charrua,Sushi and Seebz Gl in whatever you set out to do,i will talk to you soon enough <3

hey Skinnis we talked about it on msn yesterday, I just wanted to make some fun of this bad situation, because everyone that posted is making it sound like we're extinct!
maybe I took it too me that picture is funny....sorry if I offended anyone!

ZMB*Sushi-Mann ---> Sushi-Mannomg why? oO
I felt like i had to change something because i wasnt so happy about the situation for some time.
So now im looking for some new adventure and to increase my skills
Hahahahaha nice picture Ultra XD
GL to you all guys <3
Many people left Zombies past few days, that does not mean that we're dead (well, we're zombies, we aren't dead bodies xD). Looks more like we all go through life, feelings etc and things make us take decision. Anyway, I won't take any of this leaving personnaly, I know that it is not aimed to be personnaly xD
20. June 2010 - 16:28

blunt > BLUNT . RShunter > HUNTER . RS
fokus > FOKUS . RS
20. June 2010 - 17:18

fokus > FOKUS . RS
fokus 2 times joines us
nice catches RS
good luck Pepsi pretty nice choice
where is RS on clan db?
gl epsi! !!

where is RS on clan db?
gl epsi! !!
its updating. it needs to be accepted by clandb moderator so just wait.
yeah figured it crashed due to so many people added