New clan members comments (nov2008 - may2013)

Average? He rules! Hes not average at all.He meant is not as overall average player just that hes in average soul level...
So Freakman it seems that its only you who thinks youre to weak for soul (trust me i know the feeling dude!) long your clanmates are happy with you you should stay
i know what he meant.

oh hazo
so we gonna drink together?
im waiting.
TROPICwho's next ?
am i allowed to comment that this are polish clans?

kLighter wrote:AIM[+]
TROPICwho's next ?
am i allowed to comment that this are polish clans?
I would say that you're showing an example of very bad judgement if you do! Leave the flamewar about polish clans to others. Dumbass!

kLighter wrote:AIM[+]
TROPICwho's next ?
am i allowed to comment that this are polish clans?
I would say that you're showing an example of very bad judgement if you do! Leave the flamewar about polish clans to others. Dumbass!
true that. just a bit pissed lately by people saying e+ is dieing, closing their clan and beind sad about closing them.

kLighter wrote:AIM[+]
TROPICwho's next ?
am i allowed to comment that this are polish clans?
mozilla t rs > MOZILLA . RS

mozilla t rs > MOZILLA . RS
Nice move mate!!
This is actually the comments thread fyi.
ok i want to say it officialy
*WK*Trickz > WK dead > Trickz out of q3
cya all
i never will forget these times;/
This is comment thread so this post should be in "new clan members" thread, not here. Anyway Gl in future.
ok i want to say it officialy
*WK*Trickz > WK dead > Trickz out of e+
cya all
i never will forget these times;/
mb ill back someday